Bot War

Release Date: 2019-02-25

Developer: James Richardson

Genres: Action, Indie

Price: 5.19

Bot War

Bot War is a single-player team-based FPS. Three teams battle to capture 12 spawn points. The player belongs to one team and all other soldiers are controlled by AI. Having three teams means that the two losing teams can form an alliance against the winning team.Spherical PlanetThe game is played on a relatively small spherical planet that you can walk all the way around. The planet is constantly rotating on its axis as well as orbiting its parent star so youll see the parent star rising and setting each day and the other stars in the galaxy sailing across the sky each night.Innovative ControlsThe players controls are somewhat different from those normally found in an FPS. Moving the mouse turns your head not your body. This allows you to look left and right while continuing to walk or run in the same direction. To turn your body you need to press the left or right key to align your body with the direction in which you are looking. This system is a more realistic simulation of body movement and gives you more control over your actions. It takes a bit of getting used to at first but soon becomes second nature.Energy MeterThe game also simulates energy levels. The players energy is shown as a graph in the corner of the screen where the vertical axis is the level of energy and the horizontal axis is the energy term. The more long-term energy you have the faster your medium-term energy will restore when you rest. The more medium-term energy you have the faster your short-term energy will restore when you are walking or resting. The more short-term energy you have the longer youll be able to run. So its important to conserve your energy and occasionally rest.Slow BulletsBullets travel at 50 metres per second. This means that you can see bullets as they fly through the air and hear them as they whizz past you. It also means that theres a delay between when you fire your gun and when your target falls to the ground.Moddable AIEach soldier including the player is given an objective by the teams AI. In this way the bots and the player work as a coordinated team. The Java source code for the AI will be included in the game. With an IDE you can either modify this AI or write your own AI from scratch. Furthermore each team can be given a different AI implementation so you can see how effective your AI is against the default AI or against someone elses AI.