Command: Desert Storm

Release Date: 2019-03-28

Developer: WarfareSims

Genres: Simulation, Strategy

Price: 15.49

Command: Desert Storm

"It doesnt take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle."-Norman SchwarzkopfOn August 2 1990 Iraqs ground forces invaded and occupied Kuwait. 40% of the worlds oil production and the developed worlds economy was placed in imminent threat by Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. In response the United States promptly assembled an international coalition to attack and expel Iraqi forces out of Kuwait and to eliminate Husseins capability to repeat such an act in the future. What followed would forever transform the face of war.Desert Storm was the first truly high-tech war. It was the first conflict watched live by millions across the world 24/7. It was the first time that air power decisively defeated ground forces on its own. It featured a logistics build-up that exceeded WW2s D-Day. For the first time an entire nations command and control apparatus was abruptly and effectively removed at the very start of a conflict; and the first time that stealth standoff and precision-guided weapons were used on a mass scale. For students of military technology and art this was effectively the first war of the 21st century.Relive the pivotal events of the conflict that sealed the Cold War and radically changed the Middle East geopolitical landscape: The massive coalition build-up following the Iraqi invasion; The first night over Baghdad on January 17 1991; the do or die strike that stopped Iraqs chemical retaliation in the nick of time; the frustrating Scud hunts all over the Iraqi desert; coalition attacks on Iraqs airfields; the annihilation of the Iraqi navy at Bubiyan the highway of death during the Iraqi retreat from Kuwait and much more. Additionally step into the unknown as you probe the great unanswered questions of the conflict: What if Iraq had pre-empted the coalition build-up and rolled right into S.Arabia? What if Israel had retaliated for the Scud attacks against it? What if Iran or even the Soviet Union had intervened against the coalition? Command - Desert Storm is a new DLC/Standalone release for Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations the premier game of air naval & strategic warfare and the choice of serious hobbyists and defence professionals alike. Fourteen historical & hypothetical campaign scenarios plus a bonus contemporary standalone scenario cover the major actions that marked the conflict allowing you to explore the events that happened - and the ones that could easily have. List of Scenarios:InvasionIraq Rolls SouthFirst NightThe Gates of HellScud HuntReviving a GiantIsrael Stands UpBUFFed UpAlliancesReprisalsExtreme PrejudiceBubiyanShooting GalleryLiberationIsraeli Counter punchFeaturesA standalone expansion for Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations 2013s Wargame of the Year: play as a single separate game or add it to your collection of scenarios for CMANO.14 campaign scenarios plus a modern-day Israel-vs-Iran scenario written by Wayne Stiles Retired USAF veteran and CMANO community star.Using CMANOs acclaimed continuous real-time simulation engine with new wrinkles in the realm of air & naval warfare.The complete arsenal of modern warfare at your disposal: Stealth fighters cruise missiles tactical air & attack fighters strike bombers close support aircraft heavy bombers surface ships & submarines and even hypothetical platforms like the navalized F-117X the A-12 Avenger II stealth naval bomber and the radically modernized Iowa-class battleship as BBG-1.Bonus 2019 standalone scenario: Israel attacks Irans nuclear forces.