Release Date: 2018-08-20
Developer: Angry Mob Games
Genres: Action, Casual, Indie
Price: 14.99
Just UpdatedBrawlout just turned 2.0 & Dead Cells joins the party!Two years ago Brawlout hit Early Access on Steam and its been a crazy ride filled with amazing people some rough starts and millions of matches played.Weve been humbled by the responses from critics and players both good and not-so-good. Weve been blown away with families excited to meet us face-to-face at events like Super Smash Con or E3 and by our passionate community who have stuck with us since our initial launch. And were just getting started.Weve been watching social media and working on the kinds of content people have been asking us for. With the 2.0 update were adding not only a new character and stage but making every multiplayer game mode playable online and bringing our brand-new single-player mode to all platforms while delivering many of the balance and gameplay changes our community has long asked for.Brawlout will continue to evolve this year just like it has this last year with new content and community requested features and were grateful to everyone whos given us a chance and stuck with us. Brawlout would never have changed so much for the better without all of you.We hope to see you all in the fight!About the GameA new challenger has appeared in the platform fighter arena! Brawlout packs a punch with couch and online play modes blending platform fighter mechanics and traditional fighting game play into a stylish and fluid battle royale. Striking the balance between the growing competitive scene and the genres party game roots Brawlout hopes to cater to the veteran platform fighter the casual fan and the newcomer looking to make their mark.Each character in Brawlout has their own unique playstyle catering to specific character archetypes seen in other fighters. Whether youre a die-hard grappler or a rushdown fiend there is a fighter for you in Brawlout.There are currently six original characters and four popular indie characters to choose from that allow for varied play styles:Dead CellsYooka-LayleeGuacameleeHyper Light DrifterAs well as cosmetic skins each original Brawlout character has three Variants; alt versions of the character with different stats outfits and even new moves. With these Variants Brawlouts cast numbers 25 individual fighters. Find the fighter and Variant thats right for you and tear it up on the battlefield.Combined with familiar movement techniques like wavedashing and airdodging Brawlout adds some extra mechanics seen in other fighting games. The Rage Meter builds up as you both deal and take damage allowing you either break combos with the Rage Burst or unleash hell with the Rage Mode. The Rage Burst pushes opponents back breaking their combos and allowing players to create some breathing room at the cost of half their Rage Meter. If the meter fills you can activate the Rage Mode increasing the knockback you deal while reducing the amount you take.As for modes Brawlout has all youd expect from a normal platform fighter and then some. Up to four players can compete in either Timed Stock Team Battles FFA or Party Modes.AI opponents are also available if you want to practice your team combos with a friend or if you need to fill out a free for all. Train with Advanced Tutorials or go in for yourself in challenging Arcade Towers and the all new Trials mode.