Release Date: 2015-05-19
Developer: The Game Creators
Genres: Animation & Modeling, Design & Illustration, Education, Software Training, Utilities, Game Development
Price: 14.99
Welcome to GameGuru game making for everyone. Our mission is to create the easiest and most enjoyable game creator. Join us and our great & enthusiastic community on this journey. Imagine creating a world that you and your friends come together and play... and creating it could be a matter of minutes with no technical jiggery-pokery needed at all! Of course you can happily spend hours days..even weeks creating your masterpiece the great thing about GameGuru is you wont be held up by learning strange alien languages or using complex modeling tools. The time you spend with GameGuru is all about creating and having fun whilst doing it.When you first launch GameGuru it may appear to be a simple level editor but its actually crammed with lots of useful tools you will need to make your own game including a character creator model importer building maker complete scripting language and of course over 6GB of complimentary game assets to get you started. The fact its as easy as any in-game level editor is a plus and unlike level editors you get to save out what youve made and even sell your game!Weve created a small game level for you to play and enjoy which shows you how you might lay out your level and balance the combat to give the player a challenging experience. You can of course edit this level any way you wish and learn from an existing demo level rather than start completely from scratch. We believe there is nothing on the market which enables you to create and share a 3D game as quickly as GameGuru thanks to a massive starter collection of assets our easy drag and drop approach and built-in game logic so you dont need to code it yourself (unless you want to).GameGuru offers you an easy yet comprehensive game creation process that is open to non-programmers and designers/artists or anyone who aspires to become a game creator. It also has powerful editing tools for those who want to take their game creation to an even greater and more complex level. The power is there at your fingertips.As a welcome bonus we have also included an expansion pack with over 2.8 GB of additional game assets for you to get started completely free! In fact all the art you see in the screenshots above are included in GameGuru and you are free to include them in your games no strings attached. We do sell additional content DLCs but with over 6000 megabytes of game assets already crammed into GameGuru the DLCs are entirely optional.You just need to follow these easy steps – welcome to the world of game creation! Create your virtual 3D world – Game DesignConstruct huge game levels with the easy to use Level Editor. Sculpt your initial game design add content and then play your game with one click of the Test Game icon:Design your game and levels adding hills mountains water paths terrains until you have created the world you want for your gameAdd all your environmental items pick animated 3D objects including buildings trees/vegetation man-made objects/barriers with pre-set customizable properties Set the mood by controlling all aspects of the 3D rendered scene with easy to use sliders and combo box choices including sky/ambiance day/night scenes lighting settings. Decide what your game is – Game PlanHave you ever wanted to create the game only you can dream of? Now you have the tools to do exactly that possibly for the first time ever! You can create games very quickly and easily or add more and more depth as you wish to create a unique game experience:Create your dream game whether its Modern-day FPS Action Horror/Zombies Sci-Fi/Fantasy Cartoon/Zany Medieval/Historical and many more - you choose! Give your game objectives missions weapons puzzles collectibles from a suite of pre-set objects supplied or create/buy/ customize new objects. Add characters to your game from the stock media or design your own with the Character Creator.Now make your game come to life! – Game Crafting Using the editing tools you can add more depth and details to your game make the scenes more complex and improve the objectives of your game to challenge experienced gamers:Use the 3D editing mode to fine-tune your game design Add all the game-play aspects you want in your game and make adjustments Use the assets supplied free with GameGuru or import your ownUse the editing tools to make your characters and objects unique give them additional behaviors using the powerful LUA scripting language.Create share & sell your game – The final result!Once you have your finished game you can make it available to your friends and other gamers. GameGuru is unique in what it can offer all at no additional cost: Build your final game - ready to play and shareSave your standalone game as an executable file to use as you wish Publish your game and sell it to others all royalty free Make share and play multiplayer games with other GameGuru usersGameGuru and its creatorsGameGuru has been developed by The Game Creators and our mission with this product is to develop a game creator that everyone can use with superior capabilities for those who want to take their creations to the next level. Were a UK-based Indie development team with years of experience. GameGuru has been designed by gamers for gamers and we want to build and design it along with our enthusiastic community.Our vision is to produce The Ultimate Game Creator for the PC - a solution that is easier more intuitive and affordable than any of its competitors. A product grounded and shaped by one of the longest-running game making communities out there. Developing game creating tools is what drives us and were super passionate in finding ways to make the whole game creation process as easy as possible.The Technical StuffFor those who want to learn more – here are the main elements of GameGuru:3D Game Engine & EditorEasy to use drag & drop styleBirds eye view & 3D fly editing systemsGame world – Construct levels for your games Terrain editor – With easy to use controls you can create unique environmentsInfinite vegetation system – Vegetation is auto-generated just paint it on the map Level of detail – The game engine supports Level Of Detail technology (LOD)Cascade shadow mapping – Real-time dynamic sun shadowLightmapping – Add fast shadows to your levels with the shadow baking systemSky maps – Choose from a wide range of high-resolution sky mapsOcclusion Culling System – Fast rendering from a special object culling system Light Rays – Let the light flood your game scenes with cool god raysConnect to the Asset Store to extend your library of game assetsPhysics GameGuru uses the Bullet Physics engine to create realistic physics events Rag-doll deaths of characters Game Characters & WeaponsCustomize character in-game propertiesSimple Character CreatorA.I scripts control characters - Scripts are coded using the LUA languageGameGuru comes equipped with a range of stock weapons and ammo packs Explosive Munitions – RPGs grenades and landmines Ammo pick-ups – Reload weapons during game-play with ammo pickups Jet-pack - A special Jet-pack object lets you fly around your game worldMultiplayer on Steam (GameGuru is required by all users to play multiplayer games)Build games with multiplayer features Create death-match levels Make Team death-match levelsBuild Co-op Multiplayer gamesUp to 8 players can play your game Play with friendsBuild GamesSave standalone single player games as executable filesDistribute your games royalty freeChoosing Your Game EngineGameGuru is not designed to compete with professional development tools such as Unity Unreal and Cry-engine which are ideally suited to producing commercial apps and games. GameGuru is a recreational game maker not a professional tool and is still very much in development. GameGuru is unsuitable for serious game development projects at this time and we highly recommend you visit the forums and ask many questions before you make a decision on the game making tool for you.