Release Date: 2016-11-16
Developer: Merixgames
Genres: Action, Indie, Sports
Price: 4.79
Early Access SummaryKopanito is now more than 2 years in constant development. Everything started back in July 2014. For the first year the game was developed internally and then we decided to hit Steam Greenlight. This is also our first game!This post is a short summary of the whole Early Access period which is now ending (and we like summaries). Leaving Early Access is a big milestone for us too.If youve monitored the games progress for some time then this post may give you a better picture of the whole development process overall. Hopefully you will find this lecture interesting.?? The Idea behind KopanitoSo why to make an arcade 2D football game in 2016? Weve started working on the game in 2014. From our research it appeared that there werent many popular arcade football games available on Steam. And having a choice is a good thing.Clear inspirations for the game were classics such as Nintendo World Cup (graphics crazy super-moves) Sensible Soccer and Kick Off (skill-based gameplay). Weve spent countless hours on these games 20 years ago ?kopanitosmile? So why not to make something similar today?What does skill-based mean? It means that you need to learn the games mechanic over time (like in real life football). You need to work out your precision and reflexes to be a better player. Luck means little in Kopanito. The better player just wins and there arent footballer stats that can help you. You are the stats. Super-moves also are skill-based the better you play the more of them you gain during a match. Some super-moves can neutralize opponents super-moves.Kopanito is also a game that we wanted to play. To bring back fun to football games. Weve made it with love working sometimes on weekends or in overtime being vocal on the forums and responding to the issues reported.?? Greenlit in 201517-26 August 2015Kopanito is on Steam thanks to the Steam Greenlight process and votes by the community. The 9 voting days were very stressful for us (as probably for most indie devs). You can still see the original Kopanitos Greenlight page and how the game looked like in 2015: Early Access17 September 2015 - v0.2Kopanito has been released initially on Windows and OS X (Linux support came later).At start there were 104 national teams in the game 7 stadiums 4 super-moves practice mode friendly matches 7 tournaments and local multi-player. The graphics were a little simpler. There was no higher AI levels only the beginner AI.?? Pixel Heaven and Pozna? Game Arena 2015September & October 2015These are two gaming events organized in Poland. Pixel Heaven takes place in Warsaw and PGA takes place in Pozna? (our home town).It was great time and first occasion to observe how a greater audience react to the game. There were guys playing kids playing and even girls playing the game and had great fun!Kopanito got 5 awards during these events: Best Gameplay Big Bang! Retro Roots Revelation and Grand Prix. The last one awarded by the audience votes the rest awarded by the jury.? Pixel Heaven 2015: preparations first day second day awards? Pozna? Game Arena 2015: preparations first day second day tournament third day award?? Difficulty levels more tournaments and teams25 November 2015 - v0.3Previously only the beginner AI was available but now there are 3 more giving a total of four of them: beginner amateur professional and legend (the last one must be unlocked).This was first time when the game was available on Linux and Steam OS.Kopanito got translated back then to several languages but later weve decided to remove translations until games features will settle. Localization support will return soon.Other stuff added:? 9 more competitions to complete: Pacific League Microstates Cup Central American and Caribbean League Pan Arab League Commonwealth Cup Pan American League Mediterranean League Continental League and World League? 10 new teams: Angola Bulgaria India Israel Luxembourg Morocco Northern Ireland Puerto Rico Republic of Ireland and Thailand.? The "How to play" guide in the game.?? Leaderboards and match challenges21 December 2015 - v0.4The leaderboards in Kopanito were organized into 4 leagues: Bronze Silver Gold and Platinum.Playing matches (alone or in co-op or online) gives you fame points. Completing match challenges (see the image below) will give you even more fame. The more fame you have the higher you will be in the global ranking. Advancing to a higher league requires to accumulate given amount of fame shown on the leaderboards screen different for each league. Each league is also limited in capacity.Match challenges are additional objectives that can be completed during a tournament match (against AI). There are 31 different challenges in the game as of v0.9. Some examples:"Do not concede a single goal in a match""Score a goal by dribbling past the goal line with the ball""Score a goal using the teleport super-move""Cancel a super-shot using the ball magnet"and more...?? Steam Trading Cards29 December 2015Trading Cards badges emoticons and profile backgrounds landed on Steam for You to collect ?kopanitosmile? Each trading card is a fragment of a greater illustration from a match situation. It took several weeks to paint them by our illustrator.?? Achievements and custom tournaments29 January 2016 - v0.5The Trophies screen got added to Kopanito with 225 achievements to complete (later reduced to 224). Most of the achievements are quadruple (bronze silver gold and platinum) so for example winning Oceania Cup on the Legend difficulty level gives you 4 achievements (one per difficulty level). There are 70 unique achievements.Custom Tournament is a perfect thing for parties with friends. Each friend controls one national team and you organize a cup for them eg. World Cup European Cup or Champions League. This is basic but you can also do more crazy stuff as there may be more than one human per team.Custom Tournament can be started in one of the three formats:League (round-robin) with 4-16 teamsKnock-out stage only with 4 8 or 16 teamsGroup stage with knock-out stage with 12-32 teams. You can specify number of human and AI teams participating and decide how well AI will play. Progress of the competition will be saved so you can also make longer session or more parties!?? Freeze super-move replays and GIF generator1 April 2016 - v0.6The new (back then) Freeze super-move allows you to embed nearby players in an ice-block (except goalkeepers). Note that you may also freeze your teammates too. Frozen players wont participate in the game for some time. You can slide tackle a frozen teammate to defrost him faster. The ball can also be frozen or actually stopped even in mid-air. Its a good method to cancel opponents shots including super-shot. Try it for yourself :)Also action replays got added activated automatically after goals. Its a side-product of online multi-player which was then in development. Up to last 8 seconds are recorded and can be replayed back.An action replay also can be processed into a GIF animation. This feature was inspired by the first GIF animation uploaded by one of the community members. Greater collection of player-generated GIFs can be seen on the Artworks section of the Community Hub.?? Headers bicycle kicks and manual passes introduced10 June 2016 - v0.7This update introduced important gameplay improvements. Weve added headers and bicycle kicks to the game and modified the ground passes to work similarly to lob passes.The game got more challenging too by adding manual passes (previously these were assisted). Manual passes require more precision but also introduced more diversity in pitch situations. Kopanito got even more skill-based. The more you play the better you are.?? Online multi-player introduced17 August 2016 - v0.8The big day has come. It took us a few long months to implement the online modes on an already working game (which is harder to do than doing in it from the start).You can play with other players around the world in quick match modes: Duel (1 vs 1) Doubles (2 vs 2) Chaos (3 vs 3) Complete (5 vs 5).The Create Party mode allows to customize an online match by choosing teams stadium decide of the match duration and invite friends to play against.Neat feature is that local friends can participate in online modes too.?? Indoor stadium1 September 2016The new Indoor Stadium has walls around. It means that there are no throw-ins corner kicks and goal kicks during a match the game is faster this way. A tournament taking place in this stadium is present in the game too.Adding this stadium to the game is a direct result of the poll organized in the games Community Hub on Steam. Thanks everyone for voting!?? Halloween teams improved corners automatic passes28 October 2016 - v0.94 new teams have been added to the game related to Halloween: Vampires Zombies Werewolves and Pumpkins.Corner kicks now allow for more options. You can make a ground pass a lob pass or a precise shot at the goal.The automatic (assisted) passes are back in this update but along with the manual passes. Two passing systems give best result and improves depth of the game.?? Summary2 years of development in numbers:10 000+ hours of work5 400+ code commits100+ fixed issues reported by you20 updates on Steam800 000 000+ fame points achieved by youThe people involved in the development of the game:Adam ?ledzikowski - CEOMaciej Fedorów - Public RelationsTed Wennerström - Music & Sound EffectsPawe? Stepanow - GraphicsPawe? Dzierzbicki - DevelopmentTomasz Grajewski - DevelopmentWe would like to thank all the community here on Steam for testing Kopanito and reporting issues so we could make fixes and improvements to the game over the past year.Thank You very much!Practice makes perfect.About the Game"This is the product of what would happen if the fast-paced and thunderbolt world of Super Mario Strikers met the charming and intense world of Sensible Soccer. Sprinkle some unforgettable scenes from Shaolin Soccer and you have Kopanito All-Stars Soccer."?? Skill-based gameplayWhat does skill-based mean? It means that you need to learn the games mechanic over time (like in real life football). You need to work out your precision and reflexes to be a better player. Luck means little in Kopanito. The better player just wins and there arent footballer stats that can help you. You are the stats. Super-moves also are skill-based the better you play the more of them you gain during a match. Some super-moves can neutralize opponents super-moves.It may not look serious but we guarantee that it is. Kopanitos match engine is well-balanced. Use slide tackle to intercept passes or knock-down opponents (or even score a goal!). Pass the ball straight to your teammates (ground or air) or pass the ball between opponents. Score goals using chip shots or by swerving the ball using slow-motion shots. There are various set pieces like corner kicks or throw-ins too but no rules apart from that! Dont forget it is a fast-paced game - it might be funny and cartoonish but its not that easy. Try it yourself!?? Crush your opponent with a super-moveIf you play well-enough you will be awarded with a super-move. Then you can pull the ball using a super-strong magnet (because why not) or teleport into a different spot on the field activate a big windmaker to blow things out of your goal-line perform a super-shot that knockout opponents down on the path of the ball and freeze your opponents with the freeze super-move.?? Try it with your friendsThere is support for up to 5 controllers (4 gamepads + keyboard). Try the game with your buddies in a friendly match in various game modes – in any desired combination including 5 vs AI game or play in cooperation through a tournament. You can create own tournaments (league knockout or league + knockout). You decide about stadium ball and number of teams. You are the Boss here!?? Online multi-playerYou can play with other players around the world in quick match modes: Duel (1 vs 1) Doubles (2 vs 2) Chaos (3 vs 3) Complete (5 vs 5). The Create Party mode allows to customize an online match by choosing teams stadium decide of the match duration and invite friends to play against. Neat feature is that local friends can participate in online modes too.?? AI wont let you restFour different difficulty levels. The easiest one is a childs play while the last one... youll pull your hair out trying to beat the game. Also theres a practice mode if you just want to learn basic moves.?? Many competitions and teamsComplete 17 tournaments and leagues in different parts of the world with regional national teams. A tournament consist of a group stage and knockout stage. In a league we apply a round-robin system. Depending on the type of event there can be 12 16 24 or more teams competing. You can choose from 100+ national teams (even the most exotic ones) from all over the world and play on 7 stadiums.?? Goal replays and GIF generatorYour awesome goals and incredible actions can be converted to an animated GIF and shared with your friends on a different the social media channels. See the collection of GIFs created by the community.?? Bringing back memoriesClear inspirations for the game were classics such as Nintendo World Cup (graphics crazy super-moves) Sensible Soccer and Kick Off (skill-based gameplay). Weve spent countless hours on these games 20 years ago So why not to make something similar today? Having a choice is a good thing.?? Kopanito on IndieDB ? Facebook ? Twitter ? YouTube ? Official Site