Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Release Date: 2017-05-30

Developer: Antimatter Games;Tripwire Interactive

Genres: Action, Massively Multiplayer, Simulation, Strategy

Price: 18.99

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Update 12 - Rearmed and RemasteredWith this the 12th free content update in 18 months we are bringing you a long list of performance improvements audio occlusion new weapons for the North Vietnamese forces new maps new heads - and a specific community request.New weapons for the North Vietnamese:MP40 - the famous German sub-machine gun from WW2 issued to the NLF from Soviet stockpiles of captured weapons.200-round belt for the RPD - this new variant will be selectable from the Role Select menu.Deployable DShK - players on the North Vietnamese team will be able to pick up a DShK 12.7mm heavy machine-gun from a resupply point carry it to a new location and deploy it wherever they need it.Fougasse mine - a new trap for the Northern Sappers to use this is basically a large improvised explosive device detonated unwary Southern players standing on a pressure plateNew weapon for the Southern forces:The M2 Browning .50-caliber heavy machine gun will appear as a static support weapon in the new maps.Performance improvements:A considerable number of performance improvements have been implemented for this update to player characters particle effects level optimizations changes to the Instanced Rendering system a new set of weapon LODs and a set of changes to textures with an emphasis on improving how texture streaming is handled.New maps:This update marks the release of two ‘remasters of fan-favourite Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm maps taking them from their original settings and into the war-torn jungles of Vietnam:Mekong (remastered from "Hanto") - the NLF fighting their way through the jungle to a US Marine Corps base.Dong Ha (remastered from "Guadalcanal") - a night-time assault by the NLF through the jungle against the outskirts of an airbase defended by the US Army.Audio Occlusion:We have implemented a new system where gunshots and other ingame sounds are appropriately affected by their environment. This does not apply to all sounds in the game but will affect any sound loud enough to be heard through walls and be muffled/occluded by obstacles such as buildings or terrain.6 new heads:For a little more variety we are providing you with 3 new heads for the North Vietnamese plus 3 for the US Army and Marine Corps. The 3 US heads represent the diverse ethnicity of the US forces of the period with one being Hispanic one Native American and one Asian.And last but by no means least cinematics for the conclusion of a campaign!After we released the Multiplayer Campaign update players requested suitable cinematic sequences for the end of a Campaign. You spoke we listened we agreed - so here they are!Multiplayer Campaign Content UpdateWith this update we are bringing back the much-loved Multiplayer Campaign Mode from previous games adapted to the Vietnam War. The key features:Full 64-player Campaign ModePlay as the Northern or Southern forces battling for control region by regionFight from 1965 through 1975 with the forces and weapons available varying with the yearHelp select the region to compete for the army to use and the actual map to fight overThe Northern forces can choose to make strategic use of the Ho Chi Minh Trail option to bring stronger PAVN forces to bearThe Southern forces can respond with carefully-timed use of the Search and Destroy option to cause the maximum damage to the enemyFight over familiar maps with different armies different Commander abilities and weapons different attackers and defendersHelp decide the fate of the war in Vietnam! In addition one more map from the RISING STORM 2: VIETNAM $40000 Modding Contest makes it to an official release:Highway 14 - this massive map features the US Army fighting their way along a highway through difficult terrain clearing objective after objective with the NLF guerrillas trying to stop them.As always there are a large number of smaller updates bug fixes and enhancements this time including:Tripwire traps and tunnel spawns can be placed in more surface types making them more useful in urban environments - it just takes longer to dig in concrete!The ARVN now get their own variant of ERDL camoflage plus a tiger stripe boonie while the US get Mitchell Cloud camoAnd as a special request for a mapper we have created a single sound effect for a clap of thunder instead of the existing looping one. We hope you enjoy using it!And finally 3 other maps are out of beta featuring updates driven by feedback from the players:Operation Forrest - the Territories version of this official mapFirebase GeorginaBorder WatchARVN Content UpdateThis update adds the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) as a full playable faction in the game. The update also brings new weapons specifically for the ARVN:M1 GarandM1D Garand Sniper RifleThompson M1A1 SMGM1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR)M1919A6 .30-cal Browning LMGDouglas A-1 Skyraider ground-attack aircraft as a new Commander abilityThere are also 2 new maps showcasing the ARVN forces:Quang Tri: Set during 1972 Quang Tri is a daytime supremacy map set in the citadel of the provincial capital pitting the new ARVN forces with limited US helicopter support against NVA main-force units. A Sau: Set on an airfield and fortified camp in the A Sau valley this nighttime territory attack map finds ARVN forces defending against attacking NVA main-force units. Visibility is limited under the cover of darkness with occasional flares lighting up the battlefield. In addition the update also includes 3 maps made by fans for the fans from the RISING STORM 2: VIETNAM $40000 Modding Contest now being officially introduced to the game:Firebase Georgina: Daytime attack by main-force NVA on a series of positions held by the US Army.Borderwatch: Australian forces attack territory held by the NLF (Viet Cong) pushing through jungles and across open fields to the VCs final hidden base. Resort: US Marines stage a heliborne assault from the sea on a resort area held by Viet Cong guerrillas. Bushranger Content UpdateDigital Deluxe EditionPurchase the Digital Deluxe Edition and receive 2 character customization items 4 early item unlocks and the Official Soundtrack.Exclusive Content2 Exclusive Customization Items - Camouflaged Boonie Hats for both factionsThe Official Soundtrack made from original composed music will be available to Digital Deluxe Edition owners after the release of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.Early UnlocksUnited States Army/MarinesLowland ERDL Camouflaged HelmetDarkhorse Pilot HelmetNorth VietnameseHeadscarfCamouflaged UshankaOwners of Killing Floor 2 will receive 4 Vietnam-era weapon skins for the RPG-7 M1911 pistol Lever Action Rifle and M16 M203.About the GameRising Storm 2: Vietnam is the next in the series that has twice been PC Gamers ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year bringing the franchise into the era of automatic rifles man-portable grenade launchers and more modern weapons systems. Still with the authentic look and feel and realistic weapon handling that the series is known for.Continuing the Tripwire tradition of providing strong support for games post-launch Vietnam has already been updated multiple times providing the player with:64-player battles6 different armies to play each with their own weapons and abilities:United States Army and Marine CorpsNorth Vietnamese Army (PAVN) and National Liberation Front (Viet Cong)Australian ArmyArmy of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN)Over 50 weapons covering everything from rifles and pistols to flamethrowers and rocket launchers4 flyable helicopters - Huey Cobra Loach and BushrangerAsymmetric warfare - VC traps and tunnels vs. US napalm and choppersMore than 20 maps3 distinct game-modesProximity VOIPAnd hundreds of character customization options.Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers intense action for up to 64 players in battles between the forces of South Vietnam (the US and their Allies) and those of the North - the regular main-force units of North Vietnamese Army plus the guerilla fighters of the National Liberation Front (or Viet Cong).SOUTHERN FORCES - US Australian and ARVNThe Southern forces have firepower and mobility on their side with each army having its own unique supporting arms:US Army/Marine Corps - airburst artillery the Spooky gunship and napalm strikesAustralian Army - Pair of Canberra bombers and heavy artilleryARVN - medium mortar barrage and napalm strikes from older A-1 SkyraidersFor mobility they have access to full helicopter support:UH-1 Huey: provides rapid transport for a squad across the mapOH-6 Loach: acts as both a spotter and airborne command post as well as a fast gunship with its minigunsAH-1G Cobra: heavily-armed gunship with massive firepower for a pilot and weapons officerAustralian Bushranger: a Huey with dual M60 machine guns minigun and rocketsTactically the Southern squad leaders become important - so long as the squad leader is alive and in a smart location the rest of his squad can spawn in on his location. So keep your squad leaders alive at critical moments!As for weapons the Southern forces had a wide range of the best weaponry of Western nations ranging from older WWII-era leftovers through to the latest technology of the time:M1 Garand M2 Carbine M3 grease gun BAR and M1919 .30-cal LMGM14 Battle Rifle M40 and XM21 sniper riflesM60 LMG and M16 automatic rifleFor heavier support - the M79 grenade launcher and M9A1-7 flamethrowerExplosives - M61 frag grenade M8 smoke C4 explosives and M18 ClaymoreNORTHERN FORCES - NVA and VCThe Northern forces offer a broader mix with the Peoples Army of Vietnam (PAVN - or NVA) as the regular disciplined and better-equipped main fighting force in comparison to the National Liberation Front (NLF) guerrilla fighters equipped with whatever weaponry was passed down the chain to them from Russia and China - known as the Viet Cong. For supporting weapons each has:PAVN/NVA - heavy artillery surface-to-air missile defenses and rapid reinforcement from the Ho Chi Minh trailNLF/VC - a mix of ordnances (mortars rockets white phosphorous) used in a heavy barrageTo compete with the Southern forces mobility the Northern forces have their own mobility - and stealth:NVA and VC squad leaders can place spawn tunnels widely across the maps allowing themselves and their squads to spawn much closer to the action - or even behind the linesGiven their home field advantage any NVA or VC crouching or prone in cover cant be spotted by Southern helicopters or aircraftSA-2 Missiles - the quick way to counter Southern air assets is by calling on surface-to-air missiles if the commander can time it rightHo Chi Minh Trail ability - the NVA/VC commander can activate this ability to accelerate his teams spawning rate when times get desperateAmbush Spawn ability - the NVA/VC commander can also cause anyone on his team who is waiting to spawn on his location for potentially devastating ambushes.The weaponry for the Northern forces is wide-ranging - the PAVN well-equipped with modern weapons delivered from Russia and China while the VC have to work with a wide variety of weapons:AK-47 and Type 56 Assault riflesRussian SKS-45 and US M1 Carbines and Mosin Nagant 91/30 rifleMN 91/30 and SVD sniper riflesPPSh-41 and French MAT-49 SMGsIZh-58 double-barrelled shotgunDP-28 and RPD LMGsRPG-7 rocket launcherMD-82 toe-popper mines Tripwires and Punji traps