Elite vs. Freedom

Release Date: 2016-05-31

Developer: AVE

Genres: Violent, Action, Indie

Price: 3.99

Elite vs. Freedom

Elite vs. Freedom is an action-packed Indie third-person shooter game. In the near future the Earth is controlled by a global government. The Elite rule this new world order.Executive power is enforced by the World Police Department. Few dare to resist this neo-feudalistic corporatist police state. Leading the insurgence a group known as Freedom takes up the fight.Mission locations around the globe (Hollywood Rio Vegas Monaco Tokyo Aspen and Dubai).Both factions are playable on seven maps - four game modes in multiplayer (via Internet + LAN)and 14 distinct missions in single-player or co-op mode.Story and mission briefings are told through 16 exciting motion comics. Fight using weapon combos specialized for melee and ranged attacks including:Assault Rifle with Chainsaw BayonetSubmachine Gun with ElectroshockGrenade Launcher with Flame ThrowerBazooka with Toxin SprayShotgun with Knife BayonetGatling Gun with Acid SpraySniper Rifle with Mace ClubAutocannon with Plasma Shock and Ballistic Shield.Game Modes (Multiplayer)AssassinationFreedom forces must locate a high-profile target on the map and eliminate the target within the designated timeframe. Elite forces fight to protect the target until time runs out. Freedom forces have a difficult mission ahead of them as the target is heavily armed and dangerous. KidnappingFreedom forces must capture and escort a high-profile Elite VIP to an evacuation point on the map. Elite forces fight to protect the target and prevent Freedom from successfully extracting the target. Freedom forces must work quickly to complete the mission before time runs out. EspionageFreedom forces must locate a laptop containing special intelligence. Elite forces fight to protect this data at all cost. Freedom forces must acquire the laptop and return to the extraction point before time runs out. SabotageFreedom forces must target and destroy a designated area on the map using a bomb. Elite forces fight to prevent the attack. Freedom forces must work together to protect the bomb carrier and complete the mission before time runs out.FeaturesIndie Third-person shooter for PC developed by a small remotely working team located in multiple countries.Fight using weapon combos specialized for melee and ranged attack.Two playable factions (Elite SWAT officers or Freedom insurgents) in single-player and two multiplayer modes (co-op and player vs. player).Mission locations around the globe (Hollywood Rio Vegas Monaco Tokyo Aspen and Dubai). Single-PlayerFreedom and Elite campaigns.14 single-player missions.16 motion comic cut scenes (intro outro and mission briefings).AI (Artificial Intelligence) controlled human and drone combatants.AI allies.Cover system. Co-Op Multiplayer (player vs. environment)up to four friends can play together in the Co-Op Multiplayer mode.14 missions playable online (via Internet + LAN) with friends. Classic Multiplayer (player vs. player)four unique game modes (Assassination Espionage Kidnapping and Sabotage).seven multiplayer (arena-like) maps.up to 20 players per map.play via Internet and LAN.The DevelopersWere a team of freelance artists designers programmers and avid gamers who are working together remotely to create fun Indie games with meaningful stories. Were an independently funded start-up registered in the USA using a virtual office. Besides making fun games we do our best to ensure the highest levels of efficiency flexibility and quality on a tight budget.