Just a Cleric

Release Date: 2016-05-19

Developer: DXF Games

Genres: Action, Indie, RPG

Price: 3.99

Just a Cleric

"Just a Cleric" is my new retro-styled action RPG. Become the titular wussy cleric himself and set out to avenge your fallen comrades by attempting to do what no cleric before you has ever done: CLERIC DE COMMANDO. BUT DEL_DUIO! you say I CAN PLAY A QUADRILLION GAMES JUST LIKE YOURS SO WHY SHOULD I??!! My answer is simple: Can you play a quadrillion retro action RPGs? Of course this isnt some weird sorta jail! But can you play a quadrillion games like MINE? Hells no!! And heres why: ===============================JUST A CLERIC is more than the sum of its parts. ===============================To your average Joe youll see: *Retro pixel graphics. (Well at least he drew his own and didnt use Realm of the Mad Gods graphics!) *Hub / town level -> Missions -> Get gear & rewards -> upgrade and buy stuff at the town -> repeat game progression. (MEH but hey at least games like that are pretty fun.) *4 standard stats that you can boost however you see fit. (Oh boy and Ill bet 3 of them suck!) *Many (many) different types of gear to find and upgrade. Normal upgrades go to +4 and then you can bless those +4 pieces at the church in exchange for money to get the best of the best. (Well I DO like Diablo...) *NG+ where a better loot pool opens up new status ailments enemies & enemy placement and tougher bosses that gain additional abilities. Thats one of the reasons why I think you NEED to beat the whole game once first as the NG+ portion holds some real challenge and of course better gear! (New Game plus?? Adds to replay value if nothing else hmm..) *A game that looks like its budget was $40. (If that!) But to the AWESOME and MOST-EXCELLENT observer (P.S. Skippy this is you): *Well-written dialogue (some of the writing is smart comedy IMO even if it isnt going to win any awards lol) I cant tell you how many times Ive played some AAA title and the story is just BORING AS ALL HELL. Damn all those millions to make a game and nobody thought to hire a real writer? With JAC I try to take whats a simple premise and make it interesting where I can. *Different music. I love chip tunes. I love making computerized music for games and have done so lots in the past. This time though I wanted to try something different and put my other hobby to use which is playing / writing music. So with JAC youll get an OST full of guitars bass drums and quasi-terrible singing. (Also I dont think anybody has used a rubber ducky in their games soundtrack before now). *A hero whos a cleric. Aside from maybe an MMORPG and the old Hexen 64 game I cant think of any game that stars a cleric exclusively. Also it was a cool thing to be able to have access to prayers that you dont normally see in any action RPG like Raise Dead. *A game that has 4 standard stats however none of them suck! I know for me I hate playing some games where your character has 8 stats and 3 or 4 of them are trash nobody ever levels up. Because I personally hate when games do this I CHANGED THE WAY WERE GOING TO FRIGGIN DO THIS. In JAC I made a special point so that each stat is immediately useful to the player in more than one way. Youre welcome! *ENCUMBRANCE MAKES A TRIUMPHANT RETURN! Haha! When I used to play the old SSI D&D Goldbox games I remember that your gear load used to make you heavier and heavier and in turn you couldnt move as many squares on the battle map. Since you cant really do this in a platformer Ive come up with an interesting idea where your gear load determines how much damage youll take from a big fall. Its equal to half of your total gear load. HUZZAH!*A funny intro and ending scene. Youll see! YOULL ALL SEEEEeeeeeee!!!!! (falls off a cliff) So is this the best game ever? Is this the best music ever? No probably not.. But its the best game ever made by a bass playin weirdo Ill bet! P.S: And it WAS made on a budget of $40! Beat that sweatshops of the world!!