Release Date: 2018-08-17
Developer: Stefan Elsen
Genres: Strategy, Early Access
Price: 3.99
Hexaverse is a turn based 5X (eXcavate eXplore eXpand eXploit and eXterminate) multiplayer strategy game.Youll strive to conquer volumetric planets against an AI or other players.Some planets are as you would expect: flat hilly covered by oceans. Others ... not so much.Feel free to design your own.Sometimes you will need to build bridges to reach your destination. Or it may be strategically useful to excavate tunnels or caves ... or to blow up a mountain.With more dimensions come more strategic options for you to exploit but also more paths for your opponents to avoid your defenses.Resources never deplete but the quest for ever more also never ends. And literally undermining someone elses mines can be surprisingly effective.In Hexaverse good offense and defense requires diversity and cleverness. You typically dont build huge armies here much less of only one type. Every single unit matters. A few artillery tanks in just the right spots might do all the damage you need. If that doesnt work try nuking from sub-orbit.Be careful though not to rely on the unseen to remain as it appears.You never quite know when your enemies just might have planted a big bomb beneath your main base ... a few rounds before you installed that subsurface scanner.Try to see everything exploit what others cant see for they will try to do the same to you.If only that was all that mattered...