Dimension Hunter VR

Release Date: 2017-09-25

Developer: Pocket Money Games

Genres: Violent, Gore, Action, Indie

Price: 4.79

Dimension Hunter VR

The parasitarias cerebrum cancer or the Dance Dance Party Hat as it was originally marketed was the No.1 selling party accessory of 2082 on our world. Attach the hat to one of those white wine spritzer drinking wallflowers and watch as they dance like nobodys watching (and occasionally lose control of their bladder). In 2092 the scientific community had discovered thousands of medical uses for the party hats or brain crabs as they were now referred. These ranged from a remedy for ADHD for small children to curing erectile dysfunction in the elderly. No one knew where they originally came from but wow they made us feel sexy!Over time the brain crab became our friend our family and our go-to guy. Nobody expected what happened next...in 2096 reports started to emerge that users of the brain crab were unable or unwilling to remove their purple-headed friends. Over the following months the crabs started to slowly burrow into the hosts skulls and this triggered some sort of transformation in the hosts DNA - mutating them into grotesque monsters beasts and croc wearers. Not even the sweet release of death was enough for these cheeky symbiotic crustaceans to let their hosts go; die and they would have you back up within an hour chatting about the latest fad diet to hit the crabby world - and we are so tired of dieting. Please help us - kill us kill us allllll!!!The dimension ship USS Ulysses crew has been infected with a deadly inter-dimensional biomechanical parasite. The ships crew has activated all of the dimension gates allowing the virus to spread throughout time and space causing anomalies and destruction across the ship. Its your mission to: Destroy the infected crew.Close all of the dimensional gatesHunt and exterminate any infected in other dimensionsDestroy the Ulysses before it destroys every dimension!We know what youre thinking not another skinless zombie shooter mission well dont be a Pessimistic Pete. Our scans show lots of species and Dimensions have been infected so before you know it you will be slaughtering aliens werewolves cyborgs dinosaurs demons and weird fish men that we dont even have a name for yet...lets call them Jeff...death to all JEFFS!!!! MFING JEFFS KILLED MY WIFE…. JJJJEEEFFFFF!!!!... ETC!!! We will send you weapon upgrades and care packages as and when we can but its not Christmas so dont expect a lot. We have also fitted you with our patent pending anti-brain crab helmet its our only prototype so please give it a polish before returning home. Your helmet will afford you some protection but its not going to stop them from trying to get to your grey matter. As my mother always used to say A clean crab-free helmet is close to godliness...... my mother was insane obviously but still great advice.Dimension Hunter allows you to immerse yourself in this tongue in cheek over the top retro-arcade experience with a unique choice of free or railed movement. Fast paced hardcore fluid gameplay mechanics with a unique and yet familiar comic book style of carnage and gore. Dimension Hunter gives you a unique mix of 17 locomotion methods from arcade railed to free Thumbstick movement and everything in between. Play the way you want to play!