The Lord of the Rings: Living Card Game

Release Date: 2018-08-28

Developer: Fantasy Flight Interactive

Genres: Adventure, Casual, Strategy, Early Access

Price: 14.49

The Lord of the Rings: Living Card Game

New DLC AvailableCampaign 2- The Shadows Fall Now Available! Journey back into the Mirkwood as you quest with your Fellowship to uncover the secrets of the Oricish incursion in this follow-up to the events of The Shadows Reach. Face all new challenges and foes as you defy the forces of Sauron.4 All New Hero Packs-These packs include 4 new Heroes and 8 new cards each (2 each of 4 cards) to add to your deck building collection. This expansion includes the following packs:The King Under the Mountain (featuring the Dwarf Dain II Ironfist)The Unsung Hero (featuring the Hobbit Fredegar Bolger) The Light of Hope (featuring the Elf Glorfindel)The Warden of Arnor (featuring the DĂșnadan Idraen)Just UpdatedThe Shadows Reach Balance PassWith the release of The Shadows Fall expansion pack weve also done a major rebalance of the first Campaign The Shadows Reach. Narrative players will find the challenge reduced while players at higher difficulty will find that the quests have been changed to balance the difficulty throughout. Check the patch notes at for a complete breakdown of these changes.Port Access To PlayThe following addresses need to be accessible to play the game**.amazonaws.comTraffic needs to be allowed through the following ports:TCP 80TCP 443UDP 5055 5056 5057About the GameEARLY ACCESS GAMEThis is an Early Access Game. It is unfinished and subject to change during development. Cooperative Multiplayer Mode Now Live!Core Set Now Live!Build your deck and face the Dark Forces of Sauron either alone in Single Player or with a friend in Cooperative Multiplayer!Battle spiders orcs Ringwraiths and more as you journey through Middle-earth earning cards and devising new tactics along the way. In The Lord of the Rings: Living Card Game players lead their own fellowship of heroes through immersive quests each with its own unique narrative and challenges. Traverse the dark forests of Mirkwood brave the flames of Mordor plumb the depths of Moria and protect the Free Peoples of Middle-earth from the oppressive and all-seeing Eye of Sauron. Ready your weapons gather your heroes and create your own story.KEY FEATURESInspired by the hit Fantasy Flight LCG The Lord of the Rings: The Card GameThe Lord of the Rings: Living Card Game adapts the strategic gameplay of Fantasy Flight Games award-winning Living Card Game to create an all-new never-before-seen experience unique to digital platforms. Construct your DeckWith numerous cards available day one and more on the way decks in The Lord of the Rings: Living Card Game are fully customizable. Build the perfect deck to topple your foes.Assemble your Heroes Lead a team of up to three heroes through five distinct quests with many more to come. Play alone or with a friend Enjoy this narrative experience either solo or join a friend to confront Sauron and his minions together in cooperative multiplayer mode.CORE SET CONTENTValor Points: 8000Valor Points are earned through play and used to unlock player cards from the Vault. Future cosmetics will also be unlockable via Valor Points.Full Game Campaign:The Shadows ReachA full five quest campaign where players gather to find Bilbo Baggins who has gone missing in the infamous Forest of Mirkwood.Bonus Encounter:The King of Carrion An especially challenging bonus quest where players search the wintry north for an ancient evil.Core Set owners will have access to all future free bonus encounters.Core Set owners will have access to all current and future Vault cards that they can unlock using Valor Points.Player Cards Included:HeroesAragornArwenGimliTom TookCardsAdvance WarningWarrior SwordFeintGaining StrengthGaladhon ArcherGandalfGuard of the CitadelImladris CaregiverIthilien LookoutMithrandirs AdviceRound ShieldSelf PreservationSneak AttackVeteran AxehandWarden of AnnuminasA Watchful PeaceFavor of the LadySecret PathsWandering TookWoodland CourierRohirrim LancerDunedain GiftDwarven AxeLongbeard MapmakerMan of DaleCommon CauseCareful PlanningRhovanion OutriderUnexpected CourageBeorns HospitalitySpike TrapSpear WallFavor of the ValarErebor WatchmanHero Packs:Prince of MirkwoodHero: LegolasBow of the GaladhrimQuicker than SightThe Tree PeopleSilvan TrackerShieldmaiden of RhohanHero: EowynEscort from EdorasSterner than SteelHouses of HealingShield of RohanSteadfast CompanionHero: DwalinWill of SteelKhazad ai-menuErebor Record KeeperGet the Orcs!Rangers of GondorHero: FaramirGondorian ShieldMablungWell-preparedRanger SpearCosmetics:Sauron Card Backs:ClassicDigitalPlayer Card Backs:ClassicDigitalAvatars:AragornArwenGimliTom TookLegolasFaramirEowynDwalinFrodoEye of SauronOne RingPlay Frames:One Ring