Release Date: 2016-08-08

Developer: maddma

Genres: Casual, Indie, Strategy

Price: 1.99


----------Overview----------Welcome to "MANIC MINERS" - just imagine "Lemmings" meets "Boulderdash" ... with TNTs fuse bombs lasers and flamers tossed-in-too! And jewels jewel-bags coins ice bulbs smoke smileys sparks huge trees wormholes gas-pockets earthquakes and lakes! Now with hint-mode help-mode mini-missions two-player online game and a map editor! Nigh-Swan !-)Please be sure to check out the Community Hub - Screenshots and Videos !-) And please do try the TUTORIAL MAP in the Steam Workshop !-)And if you encounter any issues on your machine please do not just leave a negative review please send a description including which Windows/DirectX preferably with a screenshot to"Excavate To Accumulate!"Deploy your Tiny Miners (TM) to collect and safely return home as many jewels as possible. But be very very aware - theres a million ways to die daan there! Well ok seven anyway! Yes the Seven Deadly Things! So just a tip ... Try to avoid falling. And drowning. And getting squished. Or gassed. Or burnt. Or blowed-up! (The seventh method is suicide!) Oh and yes do watch out for them darned wormholes gas-pockets and earthquakes! And all that deadly chokey-smokey! And all with commandments and commentary in the silky-smooth calming voice of your narrator "Manic Minnie".Such is "Manic Whirled"! One hundred thousand landscapes where theres no health nor safety. But its one hell of a beautiful place to die ?-)Now with Manic-Miners-Mini-Missions ... youre given just sixty seconds to complete a task for rewards of random weapons boosts !-)Fancy tossing your TNT at a Steam friend? Well now you can with the two-player online game. Featuring wall-building to help protect your claim to territory and thus resources! Undermine your opponents huts foundations to claim outright victory! So think of the one-player game as a practise mode to prepare you for a proper battle !-)And even includes a (simple but with more functions coming soon-ish) map editor!Incidentally heres some more DMA-ness for Android !-) To Play-------------Your Tiny Miners have abilities similar to "Lemmings" eg: bash (left or right) dig (down or up) climb build float etc. When you deploy a Miner he will dumbly walk forward until you command him to do something. Be aware that when underground a Miner will continue any current activity until he is aligned to a map square before starting a new one. You can click on an ability button to select it then LMB on a Miner to start or stop that ability. Alternatively you can play via keyboard so press a key to issue a command and press the same key again to stop bashing or digging or to disable climbing. All keyboard controls can be redefined via title screen.Thus you would typically dig down to where the goodies are whilst avoiding explosives falling objects (eg: ice and rocks will fall if not supported and boulders also roll sideways if the earth beneath them is not intact similar to "Boulderdash") etc. Wormholes and gas-pockets cannot be seen until you open them by passing into their map squares.When underground your Tiny Miners will dig and bash so as to remain aligned to map squares so if you press a key wait for the response do not press again because your Miner does not start instantly as this will cancel the command. This is so you only dig/ bash into a single square at a time (you would not want to simultaneously enter two squares where for example one might be a jewel and the other an explosive). Again if you command to stop digging down or change to bashing your Tiny Miner will finish emptying his current square so the bashing will be safely aligned to a single object.When your Miner has proved his worth at collecting then you must return him home to receive payment for the jewels he has. Thus digging up and building are possible. The trick is to not be too greedy because if your Miner dies on the way home he will then attempt to drop a jewel bag. When playing a loaded map this will contain all the jewels carried by the dead Miner. Alternatively when playing a generated landscape it will only contain half of his carried jewels.---------------------On The Title Screen---------------------Across the top of the title screen which itself alternates between a Manic-Auto-Demo or a previously-played Game-Replay you will find from left to right the following bars and buttons:The top-left five buttons are: one-game; two-player; load saved game or level map; reset MAD/GR; and deposit the current MAD/GR map number into the landscape bar.In the middle are three bars: the landscape selector (1-99999); the level selector (Easy/Medium/Hard); and the currently-selected landscapes high-score. This is the number of jewels safely and successfully returned home. The landscape selectors arrows can be pressed with the LMB for slow the RMB for fast. Or press both for faster where the order of pressing them also counts. Or just L/RMB on individual digits for minus/plus one.The top-right five buttons are: customise RGB; define keys; show stats; editor; and quit! You can pimp your Tiny Miners by changing the colours of their parasol hair eyes skin boiler-suit gloves bag and boots. First LMB on the item button then on the preferred colour button. In the same way the define keys page allows all of the keyboard preferences to be chosen. First LMB on the relevant bar then press the required key. The stats page lists all of your current Steam achievements and will hopefully become more periodic-table-like as more are added.The bottom-left button (also visible during the game) is press with LMB for slow or RMB for fast and move the mouse to scroll the map window. Also CTRL can be pressed to enable window scrolling. The Landscape Editor can also be accessed by pressing TAB.--------------------------Two-Player Online Game--------------------------The second button on the title screen opens the "Invite Friend" page. It lists your Stream friends and you can select any to invite into a two-player online game. If you receive an invite the button on the title screen will flash and then the page will show from whom and you can accept the invite. The two-player game will begin upon acceptance of an invite and yes two-player games can be saved and loaded obviously later!On the invite page you will also see the landscape and difficulty bars. Whomever sends the invite will define these and will play the game as Player One (hut at the left of the map). Player Two (in the right hut) will thus be whomever accepts the invite to the sent landscape and difficulty.When you choose to load a saved two-player game an invite will be sent to the relevant Steam friend and the game will commence for both players when the invite is accepted.Dont forget featuring wall-building to help protect your claim to territory and thus resources! Undermine your opponents huts foundations to claim outright victory! Go on try it now: bash away the four squares directly beneath your huts metal foundations !-)-------------------------The Landscape Number-------------------------This is used as the seed for a list of pseudo-random numbers in order to create procedurally-generated:+ landscape shape;+ rainbow sizes (inner and outer radii) and intensity (if a daytime sky texture);+ sky texture (1 of 30) speed (slow/fast) and direction (left/right);+ grass colouring (RGB);+ earth texture (1 of 30) and colouring (RGB);+ water height colouring (RGB) speed (slow/fast) and direction (left/right);+ dinosaur skeleton texture (1 of 5) position size and direction (left/right);+ locations and sizes of trees (max size is determined by landscape slope else always Bonsais for stepped and colours according to grass soil and water RGBs);+ locations of objects.The landscape shape is either flat or determined by a random number of randomly-sized/positioned curves and also with a one in five chance that the curves will then become steps. It is then 50/50 whether the objects will be placed singularly or in horizontal/vertical lines.--------------------The Difficulty Level--------------------This is used to determine the numbers of objects in the generated landscape. This generally means that Easy results in more of the nice objects (eg: jewels) and less of the nasty objects (eg: explosives). Obviously Hard is the proverbial vice-versa.-----------------During Le Game-----------------The top-left button is used to select weapon mode from the available weapons which are carried by your currently selected Tiny Miner. For the current weapon type the button shows your currently selected Miners available weapon count if you have one.TNT: Its never been so much fun to toss ... TNT! You must always toss your TNT upwards! Thus the mouse has to be above your Miners height to toss one. Also you can press CTRL to focus the view upon your TNTs impact point (if Enlarge-O-Scope is off).FUSE BOMB: When in fuse bomb mode you will be shown a fading fuse bomb at the location your currently selected Tiny Miner will ... drop one! A nice smooth hard shiny black round one! Simply press LMB in the map to leave behind a fuse bomb and get out of the way before its fuse runs out!LASER: When in laser mode you will be shown a fading laser spot at the location your currently selected Tiny Miner will fire one from. Simply aim with the mouse and press LMB to fire!FLAMER: Again when enabled you will be show a fading flamer at the side your currently selected Tiny Miner will fire one from (left/right/above/below). Aim with the mouse horizontally or vertically and LMB to fire!The next button is used to enter Wall Mode. During this any of your Miners can build with brick or metal wall into nearby empty map squares as long as the square can adequately support it. A brick can be placed on top of firm soil or any other solid object thus creating a vertical wall whilst metal can also be placed beneath and next to another same-coloured metal thus forming horizontal structures. So point at a square and if you can build there the mouse will show as normal or it will be transparent if the square cannot be built.To the right of these are three bars the middle of which shows your current available funds and the elapsed game time. The first bar when you have a selected Miner shows how many jewels that Miner is carrying and the states of his climb float and breathe abilities. Beneath these are the Miners number his current movement direction (left or right) and his current activity mode. When you have no Miner selected this bar shows how many Miners you have deployed in the landscape.The third bar shows two jewels counts and your total number of deaths during the current game. When playing a generated landscape the jewels counts are your jewels (see next) and the total number of jewels in the landscape. If you have a selected Miner then it shows how many jewels carried by him. If you have no selected Miner then it shows the number of jewels carried by your deployed Miners. If you have no deployed Miners then it shows the number of jewels returned home. For a loaded level map the jewels counts are your number of jewels returned home and required number of jewels to complete the level. The two top-right buttons are save game and quit game and they function as soon as pressed so do so only if you mean it!At the bottom centre of the screen (when the Enlarge-O-Scope not active) are the game-play buttons (equivalents to keyboard controls). The two bottom-left buttons select through your deployed Miners. To the right of these are the ability icons and the two bottom-right buttons will start/stop the selected ability and change the selected Miners direction (turn).Its LMB on an ability icon to select it then LMB on a Miner to start or stop that ability (or obviously use the corresponding key). RMB on a Miner will select him or on an icon will purchase it cash-permitting. RMB not on a Miner or icon will unselect any selected Miner. Icons cost 100 and Miners 1000 each. Digging bashing blocking and bombing all cost one icon every time a Miner starts to do so. Climbing floating breathing and building cost one icon the first time they are given to a Miner and he remembers that ability until he dies.Tiny Miners are perfectionists which means they might not always respond instantly. When underground digging and bashing will always start when a Miner is aligned to a map square thus issue a command only once and it will begin very soon after. If you want to cease digging or bashing then for example just press the key again. The two lower Enlarge-O-Scope icons show the selected Miners current & pending activities.At the screen bottom-left is the scroll icon. Press with LMB (or RMB for fast) and move the mouse to scroll the map window (or press CTRL).---------------------------------------"Phooo! What`s That Funny Smell ?-)"---------------------------------------Whilst excavating your Tiny Miners might accidentally get sucked off into a Wormhole or come across a gas-pocket! Once opened pockets will start to emit a finite number of gas clouds. Gas is explosive and is ignited by explosions TNT or bomb fuses lasers light-bulbs or sparks. Sparks can be created when rocks or boulders fall against or are pushed over metal or rocks boulders jewels coins or bulbs fall onto metal. Gas comes in three colours: blue green and red:Blue: is lighter than air thus rises.Green: is heavier than air thus falls.Red: tends to hang around but not just like a bad smell - it`s also acidic!Gas is poisonous to non-breathers but can be vented for example by tunneling out through a hillside. Red acidic gas however is instantly fatal and can even eat into and detonate explosives!---------------------------------------"What`s Theyre Whirled Made Of ?-)" ---------------------------------------Soil: there`s tons of it about but it`s easily shiftedBrick: cannot be dug but can be exploded lasered or flamed throughRock: ditto but can also be pushed and droppedBoulder: ditto and will also roll sideways if not supportedMetal: impenetrable immovable and sparks when scraped by rocks or boulders or hit by rocks boulders jewels coins bulbs lasers or flamersJewel: worth 500 a pop when returned home and are subject to the force of gravityCoin: just like jewels except you receive payment for them instantly (bronze=50 silver=100 gold=200)Egg: where new Miners hatch from but are fragile so avoid that pesky gravityExplosive: thus avoid at all costs and also protect these from gravity tooIce: can be pushed to detonate explosives from a safe distance Smiley: a Miner can take up to 2 of these for heightening his senses and then more for earning weaponsBulb: they never grow just shine and are very very hot so can ignite gas cloudsBag: can be left behind by dead Miners whom were carrying jewelsWormhole: if the exit is not blocked for instantaneous transportationings to ... elsewhere ?-)Gas Pocket: will emit a finite number of gas clouds either Blue (up) Green (down) or Red (deadly)Gas Cloud: ignited if in contact with explosions TNT or bomb fuses lasers flamers light-bulbs or sparks or if Red gas touches an explosiveSmoke: bad smoke not good smoke is best vented out of the earth into open airSparks: are emitted when rocks or boulders fall against or are pushed over metal; or when rocks boulders jewels coins or bulbs fall onto metal; or when a laser or flamer hits metal coins or bulbs;And now maps can also contain collectable icons for the Miner abilities. Please see the editor (below) for more info.--------------------------"Welease The Miners !-)" --------------------------Walker: like a mindless automaton blindly strolling to his own deathClimber: likes to get high and does so at every available opportunityFloater: so high feels like he`s floating on airBreather: capable of some seriously heavy breathingBomber: very very hot-headed and always blowing his top over nothingBlocker: even a password would be more than his job`s worthBuilder: prefers to be more of a constructive individualBasher: loves nothing more than bashing away horizontallyDowner: really really really loves getting downUpper: always on the up unless shaken-----------------------------Manic-Miners-Mini-Missions-----------------------------These occur randomly and youre given just 60 seconds to respond or complete a specified task:DOUBLE COINS: all coins are worth doubleTRIPLE COINS: all coins are worth triple2 EGGS: bash or dig two eggs2 BULBS: bash or dig two light-bulbs3 CUBES: bash or dig three ice cubes5 SMILEYS: collect five smileys2 EXPLOSIVES: dig up and bash left or right from under two explosives2 CARRY 15: have two Tiny Miners simultaneously carrying fifteen jewels each3 CARRY 10: have three Tiny Miners simultaneously carrying ten jewels eachOPEN WORMHOLE: find and open a wormholeOPEN GAS POCKET: find and open a (non-red!) gas pocket HALF DEPTH: dig down to half of the maximum depthtitudeTEN SHIMMIES: make a climber perform ten shimmies (turns) without fallingINFINITE TNT: all Tiny Miners now have infinite TNTs for ten seconds-------------------Keyboard Controls-------------------Q == DIG UPA == DIG DOWNO == BASH LEFTP == BASH RIGHTC == CLIMBF == FLOATB == BREATHD == BOMBX == BLOCKZ == BUILD (+CTRL = BUILD UP)I == TURN MINER (invert direction)ENTER == START/STOP MINERSPACE == HOLD MINER (same as pointing the mouse at Miner)HOME == DEPLOY MINER{ == PREVIOUS MINER} == NEXT MINERT == TNT MODE (then CTRL = show impact point)W == WALL MODEE == ENLARGE-O-SCOPE (circle = magnify)R == REDUCT-O-VISION (square = map)H == PAUSEM == MUSIC ON/OFFN == NEXT TUNE == ICON DOWN. == ICON UPF1 - F9 == SELECT ICONS- == GAME SLOWER+ == GAME FASTER1 == TNT MODE2 == FUSE BOMB MODE3 == LASER MODE4 == FLAMER MODE7 == ANTI-ALIASING ON/OFF8 == ENABLE HINT MODE9 == REPEAT LAST HINT0 == RESET HINT MODECURSORS == MOVE WINDOW (+CTRL = FAST)or press CTRL and move the mouseor press SCROLL BUTTON and move the mouseTAB == spy on your opponents selected Miner if yourselected miner has a radar (drop 2 smileys) but do beaware this costs your Tiny Miner "psychic energy" andis thus fatal if done for too longESC == CANCEL / QUITWhen on the title screen:ENTER == PLAY GAMETAB == START EDITORSPACE == DETONATE A RANDOM MAD-AUTO-DEMO MINER-----------------------Some Useful Numbers-----------------------Map Size: 256 x 256 squares.Map Size: 4096 x 4096 pixels.A Tiny Miner can carry up to 255 jewels at a time. Yes BIG pockets!One Jewel is worth 500. One Miner costs 1000. And Icons cost:100 -- Blocker Builder Basher Downer Upper250 -- Climber Floater Breather500 -- BomberBronze Coin: worth 50Silver Coin: worth 100Gold Coin: worth 200Build Wood: costs 50 [coming soon!]Build Brick: costs 100Build Metal: costs 200Initial numbers of Miners Icons and TNTs are:Easy:5 Miners with 5 TNTs each10 Climbers/Floaters/Breathers/Bombers/Blockers/Builders20 Bashers/Downers/UppersMedium:4 Miners with 4 TNTs each5 Climbers/Floaters/Breathers/Bombers/Blockers/Builders15 Bashers/Downers/UppersHard:3 Miners with 3 TNTs each3 Climbers/Floaters/Breathers/Bombers/Blockers/Builders10 Bashers/Downers/UppersA Tiny Miner can take 2 smileys to permanently heighten his senses. Then every collected smiley is worth one random weapon. Egg-hatched Miners come into Manic Whirled with 1 TNT. ("Is that a TNT in your pocket or are you pleased to see me?")Minimum Screen Size: 1600 x 1024Recommended Screen Size: 1920 x 1080Maximum Screen Size: cannot exceed the Map Pixel Size (4096 x 4096)You may notice I havent specified minimum hardware requirements. Apologies. Me is very very software but not at all hardware so I dunno. Hopefully it helps if I list my PCs specs ?-)Acer Predator G5900Intel Core i5 CPU 650 @ 3.2 GHz8GB DDR3 RAMNVIDIA GeForce GT 340Windows 10 64-bit x64DirectX 11If theres anything missing please let me know where this information can be found on my machine and Ill add it !-)----------------------------------Ooohh! Theres An Editor ... Too!----------------------------------There are TWO STEPS to creating a map: defining the curvature (or zero if flat) of the landscape; and placing objects into the map.So the FIRST step is to define the landscape shape. The landscape is shaped by a series of parametric curves which are defined by an even number of points. The points can be moved by LMB on any of them (except the first and last points) but they cannot change their order horizontally. Thus you cannot move a point left or right beyond the previous or next point (and a small space is always left between points). Points can be added or removed whilst complying with a minimum and maximum number of points. The two buttons at the right of the screen allow this. To add (two) points press the "+" button then LMB in the map and they will be added at positions using the two existing surrounding points and the mouses. Or press "-" button and then LMB between two existing points to delete the pair of them. Curved landscapes can be made to be stepped by using the button at the screen bottom-right and to define a flat landscape press the button again. Note that you can now also use the map window (REDUCT-O-VISION) to drag and add or delete the landscape pointsAt the centre of the screen lower are three sets of three slider bars for defining the grass earth and water colours (RGB). For each of the three sets there must be at least one element having a minimum value of fifty percent colour. At either side of these are the sky and earth texture selectors. Press these with either LMB or RMB to cycle through the available textures. Above each texture there are four buttons for selecting scroll left/right and slow/fast. Above the earth you will find another slider bar for defining the waters height. The three slider bars above all of those are for defining the rainbow inner and outer radii and its strength. All of these controls can be turned on and off with the TAB key.At the screen top-left is the DONE button. Pressing this will finalise the landscape shape and water height and move you to the SECOND step - be aware this cant be undone. The second step is to define the level properties and place objects into the map. Thus during the FIRST step the disk button is used to load a previously saved map and during the SECOND step it is used to save the current editor map. The map name is defined at the screen lower in the bar which is visible when the editor controls are off (press TAB).At the screen top there is a button showing the currently selected object type. You can point at this and a drop-down bar appears allowing you to change objects. An object of the current type can be placed into the map at the mouses location using the LMB and you can delete the content of a map square via RMB. Whilst placing objects in the map you can press SPACE to get randomly-coloured objects of the current type when relevant. Pressing SHIFT will lock the edit cursor in the X or Y whichever changes first by moving the mouse so that you can "draw" horizontal/vertical straight lines.Right of the disk and object buttons is the difficulty bar for setting your map as either easy medium or hard. Next is the number of jewels safely returned home that is required to complete the level. Next are displayed counts of various types of objects in the current map. On the Enlarge-O-Scope you can press the buttons and thus define the initial numbers of Miners TNTs per Miner and Ability Icons of your level (LMB = -1 RMB = +1).When you press the disk button after having defined the landscape shape if no map name has been entered then its input bar is automatically activated. Also if theres an invalid number of jewels required to complete the map (or not enough jewels in it) then that input bar instead is activated. Otherwise the map will be saved in:"STEAM/steamapps/common/ManicMiners/Maps"The editor now also contains an upload button (up arrow) which will send the current map to the Steam Workshop. Any downloaded maps are copied to the maps folder when the game initially starts.Also the editor now allows collectable icons objects to be placed in the map one type per each of the miner abilities. Thus when playing a map which contains such items it is not possible to purchase any abilities since they can only be collected. The idea is that this would allow people to design maps which are more like logical puzzles which have to be completed. PLEASE ?-)----------------And ... Finally !----------------The history of the Tiny Miners (TM) which is about 15 years so far on and off can be found and suggestions deposited here ... or ...manic-miners@outlook.comAlso please do message me at either of them concerning anything not working correctly on your particular machine. Thank you to the few people whom have already helped with one major and a couple of minor issues so far. Infinite appreciations !-)"The only game where you can push your rocks and toss your ... TNT ?-)""Groovy" !-)maddma productions"i cant behave ... me names dave" !-)