A Duel Hand Disaster: Trackher

Release Date: 2017-08-28

Developer: Ask An Enemy Studios

Genres: Action, Indie, Early Access

Price: 3.99

A Duel Hand Disaster: Trackher

THIS GAME IS DIFFICULT AND DOES NOT HOLD YOUR HAND AS YOU MIGHT EXPECT IT TO. PAY ATTENTION PACE YOURSELF AND TAKE YOUR TIME. IF YOU WANT TO LEARN THE MECHANICS THAT WILL STEP YO GAME UP WATCH THE VIDEOS ABOVE OR JOIN THE DISCORD. THIS GAME DOES NOT SUPPORT KEYBOARD AND MOUSE. IT IS DESIGNED AROUND A GAMEPAD. IN THE MEANTIME YOUR OTHER OPTION IS TO REQUEST A REFUND. I WONT GET MAD ;)A Duel Hand Disaster: Trackher is the only split-screen single player twin stick risk em up in which your score is meaningless unless you exist. You control two ships simultaneously. Destroy the left to earn points while recovering resources on the right to multiply those points. The left side does not take damage. The right side does. Above all you must extract with your score. Playing ‘til death is not an option.EXTRACT with your score and move on to the next Tier or jump right back into the one you were on. You will now be able to wager part or all of your previous score essentially creating a bucket of points that you can earn as a bonus. Choose wisely. Extracting before reaching the wager will mean the wager will become a penalty.GAMEPLAY:The screen is split with the HR-D on the left side (Assault) and the DF-R on the right side (Recovery). The HR-D DOES NOT take damage while the DF-R DOES. If the DF-R is destroyed the game is over you wipe your score and your leaderboard position if you die during the Sliver Bullet Bonus. Damage is permanent however you do earn a bonus the lower your health is. Incentivize the risk not the instinct to quit.Assault Side: (DOES NOT TAKE DAMAGE | EARNS POINTS)Moving and Shooting deteriorates the LINK between the HR-D and DF-RPowerCells will upgrade the HR-Ds rate of fire and unlock new weaponsWEAPONS/UPGRADES: (requires POWER CELLS)Repeater (Hold Left Trigger)Boost (Hold Left Bumper while moving)ScatterShot (Single Tap Left Trigger)Satan 2 (Double Tap Left Trigger)Recovery Side: (DOES TAKE DAMAGE | RECOVERS RESOURCES THAT HELPS MULTIPLY POINTS)Recover Material : your Assault Score will be multiplied by this amount on EXTRACTIONMaterial must be sacrificed to keep the LINK active between the HR-D and DF-RParts are required for EXTRACTIONParts also unlock the DF-Rs defensesDEFENSES (requires PARTS)B.F.P. (MultiTap Right Trigger)Boost (Hold Right Bumper while moving)Awareness Engine (Hold Right Trigger)Time Directive (Hold Right Bumper)INTERCONNECTED:MATERIAL management is crucial as it is also the final multiplier upon EXTRACTIONWhile the DF-R is recovering resources not only does she not take damage if the HR-D is destroying enemies you are multiplying your DestructionIn order to keep your score the LINK must be active and EXTRACTION must be at 100%The HR-D must defend the entrance to the Zastrus Core otherwise the Trackers will come for the DF-Rs resources and cause heavy damageActivating the DF-Rs shields will sacrifice MATERIAL initiate a mulitiplier on the left and must be kept active for shields to stay activeBoost with the DF-R and take less damage if you are Boosting while shields are active you wont take any damage at allOnly the Repeater will chain the multiplier and keep the DF-Rs shield activeSatan 2s can instantly extend or eradicate the multiplier. Pay attention to its pathKilling a Tracker on the LEFT will spawn Material on the Right Recovering Material on the RIGHT will spawn an Upgrade on the LEFTFEATURES:Quick to pick up and play : no cutscenesIn-Game Leaderboards to show you the next person on your shit list ;)Die = Wipe your scoreDie during the Sliver Bullet Bonus = Wipe your LEADERBOARD position[8]Die during BLOODY SUNDAY = Wipe of all your LEADERBOARD positionsPush your luck = Discount on Depends(tm) Undergarments