Release Date: 2018-02-22
Developer: MUVGAMES
Genres: Action, Indie, Massively Multiplayer, Simulation
Price: 0.00
The events unfolding in the FEAREA universe tell about the space colonial war of various galactic civilizations. Large factions that are away from the war supply and develop various military equipment supply ammunition and sell private armies for rent the most powerful faction - the San Convention - so named for the native system - the Sun. The fleet of the Convention together with the allies is defending the frontiers of both civilizations.In addition to space battles the war for the planets goes on the planets themselves where the military force is an organization that is respected in all factions - the League of ?ondottiere.Condottier? - experienced military professionals who have their own ships. They buy military vehicles and test it in training battles on planetary and space ranges. The main customer of the condottieres is the San Convention Command which regularly holds tenders and announces orders. Only the best are allowed to participate so fierce competition among the condottieres continues.All condottieres for serious profit do the work in which to use the official army is inconvenient politically unprofitable or just too long. Therefore secret military operations are a major source of income for a condottiere.key Game Features Different classes of combat units - powerful tanks huge robots fast cars. Rapid team battles. Realistic physics affecting the behavior of combat vehicles. Visual display of the level of pumping - the higher it is the steeper your fighting vehicle looks! Loved by many game modes: Team Deathmatch and Control Points. Combat perks used on the battlefield. Various methods of victory giving the opportunity to invent their own tactics. There is no hard division into roles; any combat vehicles can destroy its opponent the main thing is to choose the way of conducting the battle individually. Modern realistic graphics on large-scale maps of lost planets. Replenishment of the model range of combat vehicles and arms.