Romance of the Three Kingdoms Ⅳ with Power Up Kit / 三國志Ⅳ with パワーアップキット

Release Date: 2017-03-21


Genres: Strategy

Price: 14.99

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Ⅳ with Power Up Kit / 三國志Ⅳ with パワーアップキット

To commemorate Kou Shibusawas 35th anniversary the "Kou Shibusawa Archives" will be opened in the Steam Store. Here we will revive popular previously released titles. In this fourth round of releases we offer "Romance of the Three Kingdoms ? with Power Up Kit" which was released in 1994 as an expansion to the 4th game in the series. About 450 officers appear in the game and "Frontier Tribes" have been added as a diplomatic element. In battle in addition to the standard field and castle battles we also include final battles inside the castles and large weapons like chariots and catapults.