Dark Eden

Release Date: 2016-11-28


Genres: Free to Play, Massively Multiplayer, RPG

Price: 0.00

Dark Eden

(Features)1. Unique Theme and GenreThe game constitutes of a unique objet which is vampire in the near future and this differentiates Dark Eden from the other MMORPGs.The game has modern horror fantasy background through combination of heroism middle-age fantasy and SF future atmosphere.2. Battle between races based on and well-made scenarioYou can choose race freely from Vampire Slayer and Ousters who fight with each other. Small-size conflicts between races occur for delicate turf war. Further large-scale war between races which seems to be strategic enough and siege warfare between guilds occurs inAdams shrine.3. Differentiated characteristics of racesVampire and Ousters use level system while Slayer uses skill system. Each race has unique growth system item configuration sill and class. Vehicles including motorcycle helicopter bat and warp tunnel shylph jam horn of spirit of land enablecharacters to move on map quickly and spells are provided that each race has its own merit and drawback.4. Change in stats according to timeChanges in day and night are not limited to vision and background scene but affect stats of each race according to the time. Vampires become stronger in the night while Slayers and Ousters become stronger during day.5. Race SystemClass system where the characters grow irrespective of level has been adopted and support class skill which the characters can learn skills selectively.6. Various SkillsVampire and Ousters have about 40 and 70 skills and spells respectively. Slayers have about 100 types of skills and spell. Further there are 30 types of passive skills according to the class(Help Guide)?Create Character - Create character1. Enter [ID and PASSWORD] of the account registered and click [Login] button.? [OTP] is optional but is recommended to use for safe security2. Register [2nd password] enter the password and click confirm button for safe game play3. Choose world and channel for playing game? The world is an independent space can you cannot use characters in other world therefore choose the world carefully.? [Blitz] world is a special world where Exp gain ratio is higher than the other worlds. However the figures are initiated after certain time. 4. Choose and double click place for creating character or click [Create Character] button.? You can create 3 characters at maximum in an world.5. Set race name and gender of character then click [Create Character] button.? Characters name should be within 5 and 10 worlds for Korean and English respectively.? Ousters do not have gender. - Delete character1. Choose character to be deleted and click [delete character] button.2. Enter registration number of the account and click confirm button to delete the character.? The deleted character can be recovered within 10 days from the deletion. Items and game money cannot be recovered therefore carefully delete the character.?Game control -How to controlUse mouse and keyboard shortcuts for easier game play! - Mouse controlYou can get item move character and follow subject by using mouse.- Keyboard controlYou can play the game faster by using various shortcuts for control therefore play the game more conveniently.* You can change and use keyboard shortcuts to be your taste.1. You can check shortcuts through game menu (ESC) -> change option -> game setting -> keyboard setting.2. You can modify and change shortcuts to be your taste in keyboard setting. - Keyboard shortcuts* When chatting screen is closed you can use it as shortcut apart from [Ctrl] key. - Keyboard shortcutsShortcutUsageALT + TABLogout windowEscGame menuCtrl + HHelp guideCtrl + TabEquipment screenTabBag (inventory)Ctrl + MMini mapCtrl + ICharacter informationRight Ctrl + Subject for checking informationSee character informationCtrl + KSkill informationCtrl + SOpen skin icon screenCtrl + CGeneral chattingCtrl + ZZone chattingCtrl + AParty chattingCtrl + GGuild chattingCtrl + TChannel chattingCtrl + WWhisperCtrl + EChatting screenAlt + Click subject for tradeTradeRight Alt + Click subject for making partyMake partyCtrl + PParty screenShift + Click subject for attackForced attackLeft right AltCheck dropped itemCtrl + ~On/ off quick itemCtrl + click subject for followingFollow the character selectedCtrl + VChange shadow display optionScroll Lock Print ScreenScreenshot - Chatting shortcut commandEnter each command on chatting screenI.e.>enter [/c] then enter your saying for general chatting.ShortcutUsage/CGeneral chatting command/ZZone chatting command/PParty chatting command/GGuild chatting command/WWhisper command/UAlliance chatting command/BGMBGM on / off/Sound effectSound effect on / off/Chatting guide /?See chatting guide/Help /help /H /helpSee basic help guide/Where * whereCheck server where certain user is logging in - Shortcuts of each raceClick skill icon and put mouse point on the skill for appointing the number of skills.RaceShortcutUsageSlayerF1 ~ F8Belt shortcutYou can use the shortcut by using belt item.F9 ~ F12Skill shortcutYou can appoint and use skills by using shortcut.VampireF1Shortcut for using serum(recovery) itemItems such as serum in inventory are automatically registered and you can use the item.F5 ~ F12Skill shortcutAppoint and use skills by using shortcut.OustersF1 ~ F6Shortcut for arms bandYou can use it by using arms band item.F7 ~ F12Skill shortcutAppoint and user skills by using shortcut.?Basic interfaceLearn the whole structure of interface of Dark Eden.* All interfaces apart from mini map and skill screen can be moved.No.UsageContents1Buff screenStatus-related spells applied to the character including buff and debuff are displayed.2Chatting screen(Open: Enter)Chatting mode setting or the contents of chatting you or the other user entered.? You can check the previous contents by using mouse wheel or scroll bar on the right side of chatting screen.3Belt arms band slot screensThis screen is displayed when slayer and ousters wear belt and arms band items.? Not for vampire.4Information screenCurrent data in the game major stats of character are displayed.5Insane gaugeA(Attack insane mode): this mode is charged by attacking special abilities including sucking blood and sucking soul.D(Defense insane mode): this mode is charged from attack by the others.P(Party insane mode): this mode is displayed in party status only and is charged from attack by the others.6Status gaugeCharacter level and status are displayed.Slayer : red: HP(health point) blue: MP(mana point)Vampire : red: HP(health point)Ousters : red: HP(health point) blue: EP(energy point)7Quick item slot screenItem and skills registered in belt and arms band screen are displayed.8Help screenClick to see help guide.9Quick skill screenCurrently activated skills are displayed. You can check or appoint the skills you learnt by clicking the skill.10Mini map(Shortcut: M Ctrl + M)You can check the current location.? Green zone is safe zone and +on the map is NPC.11Game menu screenThe game menu at the bottom is displayed and opened by clicking this menu.MenuGame informationYou can open my information skill information quest pet information screensGuildYou can open guild information guild list awaiting guild and guild member.CommunityYou can open friends list party screen and letter box.StoreYou can open Daden market personal store and shopping list.HelpYou can see basic help guideEtc.You can change option logout and finish the game.