
Release Date: 2017-01-11

Developer: Parallel Mind LLC

Genres: Action, Casual, Indie, Sports, Early Access

Price: 5.99


A Humble Plea + Bugs/Critiques ListHello Steam-matesId like to make a very important and heartfelt request in regard to reviews. When reviewing this game please keep in mind that Boost is an early access title and development is ongoing. There is no risk in trying this game given Steams excelent return policy. You may find that there are things you do not like about the game. I want to hear about those issues so I can improve the experience! But if you think the game though flawed has potential in its current form I humbly request that you write a positive and honest steam review.If you must leave a negative review Im at your mercy. But please remember that as a reviewer you have great power. And with great power comes responsibility. Negative reviews have a strong impact on sales. And without sales the task of improving the experience becomes extremely difficult if not impossible to sustain. Thanks for hearing me out.I also wanted to let you all know that Ive started a new discussion in the community section that I hope will serve as a repository for bugs and critiques. I really want to make Boost the best experience that it can be. I invite you all to contribute in this early access open development process. Thanks again!About the GameImportant: This is an active game. Be sure your play space is unobstructed and meets the requirements listed.Boost is an intense arcade action-sports game that will leave you joyously gasping for breath! With a focus on active play a few rounds of Boost is sure to wake you up and get your blood pumping!Teleoperate your Luma-Jock in the 3rd Galactic Quadrants finest arena. Use your Luma-shield to Thwonk the Booster Orb and keep the rally going as long as possible. Every four returns youll achieve a Boost and the orb will increase its speed. Keep it up for long and youll be rallying with your opponent at near relativistic velocities! Watch out for Mines as you leap and dive for survival. Mines have a reverse photon charge and will destroy your Luma-shield and the Orb on contact. Not to worry! Your Tele-gloves have a positive charge and you can use them to bat Mines out of the way. However be warned that Mines will accumulate with every Boost and youll need to keep their numbers low if you want to prevail.FeaturesContext sensitive sound track that intensifies as you playTracked motion controls provide a physics based full immersion experienceIntuitive physical UI system designed around the strengths of VRHeight calibration to accommodate all playersMultiple control configurationsAim Assist mode provides visual feedback for beginnersDesigned with a strong focus on play mechanics that are specifically suited for VRGraphically rich environment featuring numerous animated textures glow effects and a sense of enormous scaleExperience the buzz of a natural endorphin release after extended play sessionsComing soonAsymmetric Multiplayer: player two contends with a gamepad or mouse while player one competes in VROnline leader boardsAdjust play space size optionAchievements