Dungeons of Tal'Doria

Release Date: 2018-07-12

Developer: SuneX Games

Genres: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, Early Access

Price: 15.99

Dungeons of Tal'Doria

Welcome to TalDoria an infinite world full of unique biomes and dangerous monster! Explore alone or with your friends countless dungeons and discover great treasures! Choose between three base classes and personalize them like you want. Play as a knight and be in the front line and protect your allies. As an archer you will slightly stay away to eliminate one enemy after each other. Or be a mage that can defeat complete groups of enemies from the distance. Decide how you want to player your character!Discover Unique BiomesGo on a journey through the world of TalDoria. Every biome is unique and tells their own story about the goddess Doria which have created this world. There should be harmony and accord but evil creatures raise conflicts which you have to face.Defeat Dangerous MonstersDark entities and brutal creatures prevent the land from flourishing. They seem to gush out of the dungeons and cause fear and terror.Explore Exciting DungeonsYou find at least one dungeon in each biome in which treasures and monsters awaiting you. Brave the dungeon guardian and make sure that he cannot harm anyone.Craft Your StuffBeside the stuff you find you can also make yourself weapons food and armor. Masters are available for you with with advice and assistance. Become the next Master-Weaponsmith!