Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12 with Power Up Kit / 三國志12 with パワーアップキット

Release Date: 2018-01-16


Genres: Strategy

Price: 30.99

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12 with Power Up Kit / 三國志12 with パワーアップキット

To commemorate Kou Shibusawas 35th anniversary the "Kou Shibusawa Archives" will be opened in the Steam Store. Here we will revive popular previously released titles. In this eleventh round of releases we offer "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12 with Power Up Kit" an expanded version of the 12th game in the series. The stage is set. Create the story. Throughout the course of Chinese history upset victories like the Battle of Guandu and the Battle of Chibi have proliferated. To make this kind of dramatic battle possible we have included special large scale strategies called Gambits. Also in these climactic real-time battles the key to victory is using strategies that best mesh with the rapidly changing conditions on the battlefield. Through the Power Up Kit the Gambit system has been improved City Technologies Foreign tribes new equipment and an officer/strategy editor have been added. Note: Neither "Online Battle" mode nor DLC are supported for this product.