Release Date: 2017-06-09
Developer: PraGames
Genres: Indie, Racing, Simulation, Early Access
Price: 6.99
Virtual SlotCars (VSC) is a game in which you build and race slot cars. You will be tweaking your car components testing them on track setting your throttle controls and finally racing your chosen car to earn coin and gain experience which will be used to unlock and buy higher level components for your car enabling it to handle better and go even faster or track parts to construct any of the 26 tracks with up to 8 lanes or create your very own custom made tracks from scratch.Before you do anythingPlease read the Throttle set up section in the manual. VSC offers a unique configurable 3 key solution to control your car throttle. Understanding how it works practising in a practise session per lane per track and configuring it using the interface causes your settings to be recorded. These settings will then be used during a race and are paramount for obtaining the best slot car experience. Soon VSC will further offer complete custom key binding which will enhance this feature even more.Single PlayerAt the start you will be provided with a basic car and set of track parts which will allow you to practise and compete in entry level races. As you get familiar with car handling and maintenance you will soon be winning races and gaining experience and coin. Before you know it you will be able to challenge the next level of AI opponents on longer tracks with more lanes at even faster speeds as you work towards the ultimate level of Ace racing at potential speeds well in excess of 70 km/h. Alternatively you can spend your time and coin creating new elaborate custom tracks in the track editor. The options are endless.MultiplayerRace against friends in Multiplayer with your own personalised car. Host custom track circuits that you made with your own set of racing rules and car configuration limits. Create your own car body mods and import them into the game for your friends to see and race against. While VSC offers its own track-set parts it also offers full modding support allowing you to create your very own blue-print to track-set solution to create any specific track you can dream of. If you find you do not have the track or car body you want to race with and you are not a modder the option to obtain your perfect car or track will be made available through the community of modders.Player levels: Beginner Regular Advanced Pro Ace. AI opponent car quality and speed increases each level or can be set to match players car either fully or partially.Configurable Throttle: 3 keys configurable per track per lane enables max speed! Or MS compatible game-pad trigger. Perspective: 3D first person controller / car / top / chase camera views – all adjustable..Augmented Camera: Automatically sets zoom to maintain player car size in frame.Self maintaining AI: AI opponents will repair their cars on the go in their pit-stop.Car maintenance: Wear and tear genuinely represented for all car parts and scaled for best gameplay. Centre of gravity can even be changed by adding weights.Track creation: Using in-game editor.Car body painting: Using in-game colour picker.Audio: Rigels proprietary 3d audio engine using Microsoft XAudio2 library.Detailed Physics: Made using physics based on the Bullet library.Modding Car bodies: Accepts Blender / 3d Max / Maya import of *.OBJ & *.FBX files using proprietary Asset Builder. Modding track-sets: Using simple text editor to create and configure.Multiplayer: Race against your friends 8 players with custom cars and custom tracks.