Oats Studios - Volume 1 Assets

Release Date: 2017-06-14

Developer: Oats Studios

Genres: Violent, Gore, Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie, Simulation, Strategy, Video Production

Price: 0.00

Oats Studios - Volume 1 Assets

Zygote DLC - NEWZygote DLCJuly 12th 2017Once you have installed the base Oats Studios – Volume 1 Assets launcher in your Software Library you will have a set of optional DLC related to Zygote that you can choose to install from that same location. Please read the description below to find out more information about whats in each folder and their respective size and below that a description of how best to unpack the 3d assets.The Zygote DLC includes the following:Zygote 3d Models: - 23.6GBZygote – 13.7GBSynthetic Skulls for Print – 509MBZygote Concept Art Booklet – Total size: 500 MB – File Name: Zygote_Booklet_v2Concept ArtVFX look-developmentOats Workshop BTS SelectsFilming BTS selectsZygote High Resolution Video (Stereo)OatsZygoteDLCStereo.mp4 – 5.70GB320 kbps AAC Stereo Audio1920x1080h.264 40mbit/sec (approximately Blu-Ray quality)Zygote High Resolution Video (Surround)OatsZygoteDLCSurround.mp4 – 5.77GB640 kbps AAC 5.1 Surround Audio1920x1080h.264 40mbit/sec (approximately Blu-Ray quality)Zygote ScriptA few general notes about all 3D assets uploaded for Zygote.LOOKDEVThese folders contain the assembled 3dsmax file used for final rendering. They also contain all the necessary textures in the directory structure that should ensure everything is correctly linked. Its a very deep directory structure but it was the easiest way to collect the data to share with the community. You can of course remap the directory structure on your own to simplify it.These files (and shaders) are set-up to be used with Redshift (our renderer of choice). However you can rebuild them to work in whatever renderer you choose.The model in this file is our working resolution (with displacement maps to render like the highres sculpt)The model in this file is in the T-pose (NOT the pose displayed in the thumbnail)MODELWe provide a series of various model files and formats.Cleaned up mudbox file with high and low resolution meshes (used for exporting our various displacements and working resolution models.Two .obj files one the lowres working model and one high resolution sculptAll of these models are in the default T-pose (not the pose displayed in the thumbnail)RIGThere are two files here both Maya files (the program we use for animation)One file is the fast animation rig. This file does not contain the final working resolution mesh but instead contains a lower resolution cut-up mesh for fast animation interactivity. Its rig also is a stripped-down version missing some of the slower fancy things. Basically this is the rig the animators work with 95% of the time.The second file contains the same rig but with the full working resolution mesh with skinning. It also contains extra bits in the rig to assist with skinning or secondary motion. It is THIS file that you would export a model cache (whatever format you wish) from to then apply to the lookdev model for rendering.The rigs are set-up to make use of the Maya referencing system so that if rig is REFERENCED in you can swap the reference on the fly. To use this do not animate directly in the rig file. *** As a final note if you have issues or questions pertaining to any of these files please go to the Oats Studios Forum in the DLC category and ask away: http://forums.oatsstudios.com/categories/dlcStream Oats Studios Shorts Free on Steamhttp://store.steampowered.com/app/633030About the SoftwareAt Oats Studios the creation of Volume 1 required immense resources. Our wish is to receive funding sourced directly from our audience as we establish a studio fueled by pure creativity and passion. We have many many more worlds to create and stories to tell but we need help from people around the globe. Our goal is to create Volumes 2 3 and more and eventually full scale-scale features. If you feel positive about what youve seen and want more please support us by purchasing our additional content as it becomes available. We plan to include in the Oats Studios - Volume 1 Assets as many pieces of concept art models footage etc. for each of our shorts however as part of supporting Oats we will charge for these.The newest DLC available is Zygote: please check out the special announcement below to see whats included. We want users to engage with our content and hope that by opening up resources like these we inspire young filmmakers.Additionally if people are interested in licencing material for commercial purposes then please send an email to licensing@oatsstudios.com