Project 5: Sightseer

Release Date: 2017-12-04

Developer: Tasharen Entertainment Inc.

Genres: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, Early Access

Price: 15.49

Project 5: Sightseer

Project 5: Sightseer is a cooperative (and/or competitive) multiplayer sandbox game with deep RPG elements set in a vast procedurally generated world. You will start with nothing but a scanner and a mining laser in the location of your choosing -- either by yourself or with your friends then venture forth to find resources build outposts research technologies and ultimately unravel the worlds secrets.ExploreExploration is the core part of Sightseer. As you venture forth into the vast world you will travel across dozens of scenic biomes discover natural resources strange artifacts find discarded upgrades and (depending on your chosen world configuration) other denizens that chose to exploit its bountiful resources.BuildOnce you find a nice spot you wish to call home you can claim it by building an outpost. From simple automatic resource extraction satellites to sprawling heavily-defended main bases it will be up to you to turn it into something youd be proud of.ResearchOutposts will not only extract resources for you but they can also perform scientific research unlocking new technologies vehicles parts and structures. Furthermore outposts built near artifacts will offer additional powerful technologies that can potentially improve all vehicles belonging to the players faction.UpgradeAs your grasp of technology grows you will unlock new vehicles along with weapons and other components to customize them with. All vehicles have a role but its up to you how to customize them to your own play style. Will you choose to emphasize stealth in a fast agile race car that gets stronger the faster it moves or will you choose to take to the skies in a heavily shielded flyer? Or perhaps a sturdy dependable 8-wheeler with extra threat to draw enemies attention along with ample hull self-repair modules and an assortment of weapon attachment points is more to your liking? Then there are the various weapon types to choose from -- lasers miniguns cannons plasma missiles railguns -- they all have their advantages and disadvantages that will unlock new designs as you use them.FightSooner or later you will need to defend what youve built -- whether its from opportunistic pirates or other players (if playing on a PvP server). The easiest way to get your wheels wet is to run combat simulations -- virtual scenarios that wont cause you to lose anything. As you get better and gain upgrades you will be able to customize your vehicles further and will be even better prepared to face the worlds enigmatic protectors as well as their ultimate chief....or you can just join a cult and worship one instead. Because the world of Sightseer is all about giving you the freedom to play however you like.