
Release Date: 2018-12-26

Developer: Freie Programme Hohenstein

Genres: Simulation

Price: 0.00


With FPH SpedV you will enjoy your Trucking Simulators more! It allows users to create manage or join virtual Trucking Companys. You can drive Tasks settle them to get money set how much expenses or salary you want to pay your employees buy and mange trucks in branches ... The recording of the trips is very simple and automatic cause we are using the supplied "Telemetry". Also by the voice output of SpedV special events useful for using SpedV will be announced (requires languagepack or Windows 10) In SpedV itself it is up to each user how he or she handles it virtual trucking company whether its an increased salary for the managing direcot bonuses for driving tours setting a destination for the company attracting drivers with a percentage profit distribution. Also driven orders can bew viewed in retrospective special statistics retrieved or the rank of your spedition over all registred speditions can be viewed. There is much to discover and yet to come but we (the SpedV team) welcomes anyone wo uses our software - and we help you via TeamSpeak Discord or our Ticketsystem if you need help.