Release Date: 2018-12-04
Developer: Two Bits Kid
Genres: Indie, RPG
Price: 16.99
Aeon of Sands – The Trail is a roleplaying game set in a post-apocalyptic desert world. It combines real-time exploration gameplay with classic gamebooks where you create your very own non-linear story adventure.You play the vain and clumsy Setrani a simple clerk aspiring to a simple life. But in the post-apocalyptic world of Aeon of Sands nothing is ever that easy... A single missing caravan will set plans in motion and seal the fate of our unlikely hero.What if your favorite Choose your own Adventure book was instead of crumpled pages to turn and dice to throw an epic FPP dungeon crawler?FEATURES The world of Aeon of Sands may be lethal but it is not humorless. Think Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy meets Interplays Fallout! Emphasis on exploration: the deadly world of AoS is filled with secrets switchs loot and eccentric characters to meet... or to fight! Non-linearity: Follow the story at your own speed or at your own will. Replayability: Do it differently all over face multiple endings! Completely hand drawn 2.5D environment 240 hand-drawn illustrations Auto-mapping with a writing feature Real-time combat with grid-based tactics Organic characters customization: forget xp and levels stats are likened to the gear you choose and the skills you use.The SettingThe Kinami giant tree a rare and precious shelter in a sea of sand around which the story evolves and on whose colossal trunk and branches a hardy people built a whole city Pantella.Exits The Hero!Setrani is the main character of the story: vain and clumsy hes one of the young men and women who keep the Kinami tree in good health.Setrani is a cross between a gardener and also a lowly factotum for the city government: he basically crowdfunds supplies to maintain all the tree caretakers.A slacker and a nap taker hes the definition of whom you would not trust with your life.The BIG HOT Problem!Where is the missing caravan?!A caravan carrying supplies and legations to a distant sister city has disappeared from the trail.Was it a trick of its intended recipients?Was it a dreaded nomadic tribe raid?Or something else entirely?Choose Your Adventure!Aeon of Sands adventuring is based on illustrated dialogues with multiple-choice: through them the players are introduced to new situations.Based on the actions or attitude that the players make Setrani take new areas can be explored while others become inaccessible or they meet new companions or make enemies for life. But most of the time its both!The story has many different paths locations to visit and three different endings.Friend Or Foe?What about a rugged guard with a checkered past and a big heart? Or a crazy aged lady looking for murderous adventures? And what about Herman the dead sandcrawlers body? Or a bored archaeologist slash tourist with a fetish for water faucets?Them Who Roam The Desert!City states sometime suffer the incursions of the men and women who live in nomadic tribes in the desert always moving always raiding other settlements and usually in a state of constant war with each other.Their tribes are usually composed of scavengers who may be the only people in the whole world that understand a little of the technologies lost in time as well as brute marauders and powerful warlocks who bend the elements to their will.But there might be more people rogues and pariahs settled in hidden havens and if the desert teaches anything to Setrani he must be wary of appearances.And You Know Creatures!While Setrani might be afraid of strangers theres no shortage of critters to really freak him out and possibly eat him. No matter how many companions as he brings with him: the more the merrier.From the common sandcrawler to giant centipedes and leeches from creatures of the underground to creatures of the sky.To whatever it is the one in the image above belongs to and wherever it might come from.Meet Interesting People (In Combat)!This is Bob Bob is a fashion blogger. He wears a stylish headdress made of a carved pumpkin-like red animal skull or just pottery (the jury is still out) and a sprawling necklace of sandcrawler innards with a touch of sweet aroma of decay Charnel No 5.Name: BobOccupation: Rogue working with basic 9 to 5 contract with his employer settlement committing routinely roguish acts of random robbery on desert travelers but he dreams of becoming a star fashion blogger.Greatest Skill: Perfect duckface in pictures.Greatest Drawback: Nobody ever saw his face on account of it being stuck inside his headdress. Also: he has no internet.