Campfire Pro

Release Date: 2018-11-14

Developer: Campfire Technology LLC

Genres: Utilities

Price: 32.99

Campfire Pro

Complete your character design plot manipulation and worldbuilding all in one place. Designed to be a revolutionary tool for writers to plan out their stories Campfire Pro is the writing software novelists and screenwriters need to go from the seed of an idea to a detailed plan thats ready to be executed.Character Development: Add characters with essential information like name age and personality traits. Then flesh out your characters by adding backstory relationships custom panels and grouping characters together in their respective factions.? Use the Character Arc View to track your characters physical and emotional changes in a graphical format. With the Relationship View create family trees and complex relationship webs to have a visual representation of your characters interactions.Plot Design: Use the powerful Timeline tool to add scenes and other plot events. A straightforward drag-and-drop interface allows for easy reorganization and story manipulation.?Worldbuilding: Campfire Pro is also a full-featured worldbuilding tool. Upload an unlimited number of maps then add pins for each location. Flesh out your locations with history culture and politics. Campfires Encyclopedia provides a place to store all other information. Use it to write out your magic systems languages cultures objects and more.Campfire strives to be flexible and inspiring providing a variety of features to achieve these goals. Each character has their own cork board which holds an unlimited amount of custom panels and images. The Timeline is infinite allowing writers to work with an endless canvas as they add a plethora of scenes and events. The World page allows users to upload any number of maps and pin locations onto them creating a concrete visual resource to geographically keep track of the story. Finally Campfires seven themes provide different aesthetics to work within keeping writers inspired regardless of genre. Fantasy novelists can expect a medieval-style writing experience while Sci-Fi writers receive a visually high-tech version of Campfire. For writers who dont want a dramatic theme the Simple Light and Simple Dark themes allow for a plain distraction-free writing experience.