Release Date: 2018-12-14
Developer: otter otter game
Genres: Strategy, Early Access
Price: 8.29
In the game of Worlds Collide you will play as a king of your empire to builda city expand its territory gather enough resources set up more production lineseventually form your army and conquer others.In gamethere is no roundsyou can suspend deployment of your strategy at any time. In this world you will encounter almost all kinds of events that could happen to a real empire: raging natural disastersthroughout your land uprising of your civilians against your reign an unfortunatefalling into the notorious Malthusian trap. Variety of actions must be taken by youin order to survive and win the unltimate victory.Build your cityYour city is the foundation of all further development. You must try to increase itsinfluence occupy more lands and obtain the yields from them.Visit a villageWhile you are adventuring on the map you will find some villages. By choosing tovisit them either pleasant surprise or unexpected misfortune could be awaiting.Develop technologyChanges in technology are the primary source for changes in society. Advancedtechnology enable your city to have more production lines a stronger army and betterability to deal with different natual disasters.Build your armySend your army to the battlefield to gain experience and level up. Each time uponreaching a new level three random traits will be available but only one of them canbe chosen. Make your decision and let your army become invincible.About