
Release Date: 2018-12-20

Developer: XWidgetSoft

Genres: Animation & Modeling, Utilities

Price: 2.89


XSprite is a lightweight animated desktop sprite engine that allows to put Hundreds Animated Sprites on your desktop But only use very few CPU usage.FEATURESBring your desktop alive with Hundreds Animated Sprites.Use the build-in online gallery and download ALL Sprites (more than 200+) with just one-click. Sprites support interactions such as mouse clicks and drag and drop and double click.Wide variety of sprites separated in categories Robot Human AnimalFishBird and Others.XSprite can be used in parallel to any other Steam game or application Compatible with Wallpaper Engine.Support Steam Cloud Sync Sprites and UserData.Minimum CPU usage. Quick Start Guide Basic operation: 1. Download the sprite: Right click on the tray icon and select the "Download Sprite..." menu item to open the "XSprite Gallery" and download from Hundreds Animated Sprites.2. Add Sprite to desktop: (1) Double-click the left mouse button on the blank space of the desktop to randomly add the locally installed Sprite. (2) Double-click the tray icon to display the local sprites list and double-click the sprite preview you want to add or click the "+" button in the lower right corner of the preview to add it to the desktop.3. Zoom the Sprite: Click the middle mouse button (wheel) on the sprite to bring up the "Sprite Option" window click the "+" and "-" on the left and right sides of the zoom edit or you can manually modify the zoom value by input numbers.4. Close the Sprite: Double click with the left mouse button on the Sprite to close the Sprite by default. If you have modified the default "On Double-Clicked" operation you need to right-click the tray icon and select "Manage Sprite..." to delete it on the "Running" page. Advanced operation: 1. Add a shortcut to the Sprite: Click the middle mouse button (wheel) on the sprite to display the "Sprite Option" page click the "On Double-Clicked" button to pull down and select the shortcut option.2. Add a custom URL to the sprite: Click the middle mouse button (wheel) on the sprite to display the "Sprite Option" page click the "On Double-Clicked" text box and input the URL you need to open.3. Custom Sprite movement range: Click the middle mouse button (wheel) on the sprite to display the "Sprite Option" page click the "Movement Style" button to pull down and select "Random Swim" then below The values ??for "above" and "below" are set at "Limited movement range". The value -1 means NO limite 0 means parallel movement and 1~99 means the movement range is 1%~99% of the screen size.TipDoubleClick desktop to create random Sprite. DoublClick Sprite to remove it with animation.Use the middle mouse button to click Sprite on the desktop can open the Sprites options window.You can set the double-click action at Sprites options windowe.g. Run App Open Folder Open URL Close Monitor etc.PERFORMANCEXSprite aims to deliver an entertaining experience while using as few system resources as possible. Various options to tweak quality and performance exist to make XSprite suit your needs.